Welcome to Rebirth of Reason - Illinois
This is the place where Objectivists in the area can connect and post local news, meeting notices, events and other items of general local interest and get to know each other. RoR Illinois can be a place where all of us can come together, talk, make announcements, listen, and meet new friends in the area who share our philosophy.
Ayn Rand - Rational Philosophy of Objectivism Meetup Chicago
We are a group of Objectivists and admirers of Ayn Rand (philosopher and author of The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged). We get together to talk about ideas, books, and Ayn Rand's philosophy. Objectivism is basically a pro-capitalism, atheistic, philosophy of reason. I also host a an online discussion forum at http://www.objectivistliving.com.

Ayn Rand - Rational Philosophy of Objectivism Meetup Chicago May Meetup Saturday, May 27, 2006 at 2:00PM
Ayn Rand / Rational Philosophy Meetup We meet on the fourth (4th) Saturday of the month @ 2:00 pm at Gulliver's Restaurant on Howard and California. Let's plan on having pizza. Please RSVP at http://aynrand.meetup.com/70/events/ either way because I will need to make reservations. This is the place where we meet http://www.gulliverspizza.com/
We will be discussing Ayn Rand's works as well as whatever else we feel like talking about. I am guesstimating the cost to run $10+/person depending on what we order. I will post agenda and discussion ideas on at Meetup as well as on http://www.objectivistliving.com.
Event fee: $10.00
See the full event details, including location, at http://aynrand.meetup.com/70/events/4908363/.
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For more details about RoR Illinois, contact Tatiana McGarry by email (note, you must be logged in to view this email address). |