Messages out of the last 50 General Forum
 Plaything of Krell children
  (1) Mark Hunter
- 5/31/2021, 7:27pm - Antitwister: How to Tether a Spinning Ball It could have bee...
  (2) Michael Marotta
- 6/14/2021, 3:33pm - Nice trick of your own, you got ARI Watch entered as a Refer...
 Correspondence and Coherence Blog
  (70) Merlin Jetton
- 3/30/2021, 4:24am - Thomas Reid's theory of ideas
  (71) Merlin Jetton
- 3/31/2021, 8:15am - Bitcoin and WalmartFederal Reserve and home prices
  (72) Merlin Jetton
- 4/01/2021, 6:52am - Bitcoin and freedom
  (73) Merlin Jetton
- 4/06/2021, 6:03am - Medicare Advantage analysisFederal spending spree
  (74) Merlin Jetton
- 4/12/2021, 5:22am - NY Times spreads ITEP falsehoods and propagandaJohn Dewey on...
  (75) Merlin Jetton
- 4/25/2021, 2:48am - Crypto Fearmongers Get Pushback From Former CIA DirectorChin...
 Objective Legal Tender Laws
  (2) Michael Marotta
- 4/06/2021, 5:34pm - In theory, you could agree on a non-objective form of paymen...
    (3) Doug Morris
- 4/07/2021, 2:34pm - If you promise to pay with a herd of sheep and it dies, you ...
  (4) Michael Marotta
- 4/18/2021, 6:00pm - No, I am sorry, but we just do not agree. You and I have a p...
    (5) Doug Morris
- 4/22/2021, 1:16pm - The court should use market value, not whim. In the scenari...
  (6) Michael Marotta
- 4/27/2021, 3:24pm - Right. Then it would be case in equity.The framers of the Co...
    (7) Sam Erica
- 4/27/2021, 9:18pm - Michael: Your example of the varying prices of silver coins ...
  (8) Michael Marotta
- 5/19/2021, 3:57pm - Sam, those are prices for bullion, not for numismatic items ...
  (9) Sam Erica
- 5/21/2021, 12:17pm - Thank you Michael for reiterating exactly what I said. Ask a...
  (10) Doug Morris
- 5/22/2021, 12:49pm - If one of us insists that payment be in numismatic-value coi...
 The End of Barney’s Second Career?
    (0) Mark Hunter
- 5/01/2021, 5:57pm - New on ARI Watch:The End of Barney’s Second Career?
     (1) Luke Setzer
- 5/03/2021, 4:26am - I am very curious to see Mark Hunter outline what he would c...
 Logical incomprehensibility (Manfred F. Schieder)
    (0) Manfred Schieder
- 5/31/2021, 10:55pm - I’ll never understand these Lefties and their hatred o...
  (1) Stephen Boydstun
- 6/06/2021, 9:09am - Manfred, do you and wife still live in Vienna? What is the...
 Objectivism and the EEOC
  (0) Luke Setzer
- 8/25/2021, 11:03am - Has anyone ever seen a successful win with the Equal Employm...
  (1) Doug Morris
- 8/27/2021, 12:12pm - Has there been a case of an employer demanding something con...
    (2) Luke Setzer
- 8/27/2021, 2:31pm - That depends on whether you think a requirement to inject a ...
  (3) Luke Setzer
- 9/10/2021, 4:16am - Biden Mandates That All Federal Employees Get Vaccinated --...
    (4) Luke Setzer
- 9/14/2021, 9:44am - I submitted medical papers today based on a cheap and widel...
    (5) Luke Setzer
- 10/13/2021, 11:19am - The Stew Peters Show has been covering the COVID-19 scandal...
  (6) Luke Setzer
- 10/20/2021, 2:56pm - SHOCKING: Dr. Carrie Madej Releases FIRST LOOK at Pfizer Vi...
  (7) Doug Morris
- 10/21/2021, 8:44am - Health Feedback says there is no evidence for Madej's claims...
  (8) Luke Setzer
- 10/21/2021, 9:18am - Doug, if you are going to argue, at least bother to supply a...
  (9) Doug Morris
- 10/21/2021, 10:56am - I don't want to go too far down this rabbit hole. There are...
    (10) Luke Setzer
- 10/21/2021, 12:15pm - "I don't want to go too far down this rabbit hole." You keep...
  (11) Doug Morris
- 10/21/2021, 1:10pm - At the very least, this way I'm less likely to die premature...
  (12) Luke Setzer
- 10/21/2021, 1:37pm - Easily found on LinkedIn, lazy boy:
  (13) Doug Morris
- 10/21/2021, 2:14pm - Your links indicate that she has a good reputation with pati...
    (14) Luke Setzer
- 10/22/2021, 6:37am - If you want to take your chances with this global science ex...
  (15) Doug Morris
- 10/22/2021, 1:16pm - By refusing to vaccinate, you are dragging everyone else's b...
  (16) Luke Setzer
- 10/23/2021, 7:37am - The tentacled creature found in the vaxx has been tentative...
  (17) Doug Morris
- 10/23/2021, 9:42am - Your link says "Anons have identified the “tentacled&r...
    (18) Luke Setzer
- 10/23/2021, 1:01pm - I find disturbing in this thread both the presence of faith ...
    (19) Luke Setzer
- 11/09/2021, 10:18am - WATCH: Man Challenges Everyone To Ask This One POWERFUL Que...
  (20) Doug Morris
- 11/09/2021, 12:27pm - There are some politicians that are mother f**kers that we s...
    (21) Luke Setzer
- 11/09/2021, 2:44pm - Given the track record of Big Pharma, yes, I think there are...
    (22) Joe Maurone
- 11/15/2021, 1:12pm - "Do you think scientists are mother f**kers that we should f...
 Covid-19 from those that know about it
     (0) Mark Hunter
- 10/12/2021, 6:18am - Nurses at Minnesota Town Hall Meeting A group of nurses &ldq...
Article Discussions
 Scope of Volition
  (70) Merlin Jetton
- 6/16/2021, 4:58am - The main purpose of Scope of Volition was to critique Ayn Ra...
News Discussions
 ARI Essays Back Online
  (0) Sam Erica
- 7/05/2021, 6:45pm - Thank you for this, Michael. I particularly liked the 2018 A...
Poetry Discussions
 Some of My Own Poems
  (7) Stephen Boydstun
- 8/30/2021, 6:26pm - That It Had Been You had gone away to yourself and thoughtt...
 William F. Buckley: An altruist-collectivist hawk
  (8) Joe Maurone
- 10/22/2021, 4:05pm - "Speaking of killing another human before you, yourself, fal...