
Rebirth of Reason

James S. Valliant

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August 4, 2005
Sense of Life
The Magnificent Seven Billion
by Ross Elliot
Sanctions: 25Sanctions: 25Sanctions: 25 Sanction this ArticleEditMark as your favorite article
Seven million pounds of thrust hurls them upward faster than a speeding bullet. Their journey is fraught with peril. It must be, for Man dares to break free of his home. (Read more...)
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Article Discussions - Ayn Rand? Jealous? - 226
Article Discussions - Valliant Versus the Brandens - 63
Article Discussions - Ayn Rand? Jealous? - 216
SOLO Announcements - The End of SoloHQ - 57
Article Discussions - Ayn Rand? Jealous? - 213
Article Discussions - Valliant Versus the Brandens - 60
Article Discussions - Valliant Versus the Brandens - 55
Article Discussions - Ayn Rand? Jealous? - 100
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Article Discussions - Ayn Rand? Jealous? - 85
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General Forum - The Argument from Intimidation - 231

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