
Rebirth of Reason

Dwayne Davies

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I am currently studying for a Bachelor of Science (majoring in Computer Science and Electronics) at Massey University. After I graduate I will most likely continue my study and get at least my Masters. I plan to release my own Linux operating systemm, PheonixOS, but this will not be until about 2010/2012, after I gain the programming knowledge needed to make my own applications and worthwhile changes to the Linux kernel. I also have a philosophical novel in the pipeline, Prometheus Scorned. It is a science-fiction novel featuring a robot with a fully human mind (which I realise is perhaps abit far-fetched, but it is after all science-fiction). It demonstrates the nature and importance of rights. It deals with the importance of philosophy, how it is impossible to compeletely avoid, and what happens to those whom try. I also currently plan to research into ternary hardware and software implementations, or at least the emulation of such systems.


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