No picture available 0 Atlas Points Num Posts: 0 Num Galleries: 0 | DescriptionAn online intellectual property community, Patexia is established with a mission to provide better opportunity for businesses and individual experts to discover greater possibilities in achieving developments in their specific fields. While intellectual property is the main issue to several industries, Patexia's IP community allows information seekers to meet real industry professionals who will act as their partner in discovering solutions to the problems they encounter inside and outside their trade. Experts in various fields share their personal expertise to help in the evaluation of the existing information that serves as a guide in making data analysis.Visualization Tools and Online Research Databases The availability of resources plays a very significant role in solving various patent and intellectual property issues and in starting in the build up of a strong business shield. Patexia also offers a way for researchers to access materials specifically in conducting online patent search which leads them to a rich source of information useful in acquiring crucial patent data. Patent search database is a form of visualization tools that cater the need of businesses for patent and IP sources. The platform is also capable of providing results for Prior art of appropriate searches, as well as the newest intellectual property news in which updates on the latest industry trends are featured. Both existing and start-up businesses obtain greater significance when it comes to the challenge of patent lawsuit and patent infringement as part of the primary issues of intellectual property. Patent and prior art searching tools offer the best means for an effective patent process especially in patent applications and in obtaining a patent license for both trademark and copyright element of an idea or work. Twitter: @Patexia Facebook: Patexia Facebook Page |