Adam in Chains. Not wrought by iron and smithy, instead by deceit. By webs of half-truths. Broken promises. Subtle lies. So broken is his will, he believes he is at the end. End of sorrow. Of self-pity and despair. Ever in his mind is the steps of his ruinous journey. The blind faith in a father. The love for a fickle woman. And the hubris of being ever perfect and without peer. Yet hope remains if he were to take it. The hope of tomorrow. The hope of his naked mind. Of unyielding Reason. His only sin is to take upon the chains as his own. As a sin earned forever after. If he should ever take the chains off, he will find new strength in his limbs. The strength to not listen to the falsehood of his father. The strength to love himself before he loves another. The strength to know when he has fault and not to be jealous of his betters. And the strength to be forever after.
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