Republican Election Fiasco
by Ed Hudgins
In my article on "The Battle for the Soul of the Republican Party" I analyzed the likely results of a GOP turning more and more to big government, interventionist policies. In the 2006 election they got what they asked for. (Read more...)
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Wednesday September 20, 2006 |
The Pope vs. Islam: Who Stands for Reason?
by Ed Hudgins
Islamists complain about the Pope's quote from an old emperor about their religion but they prove the quote correct in their violent, irrational reactions. But in the Pope's speech he fails to understand that it is putting faith above reason that causes such violence and is responsible for most of the world's problems today. (Read more...)
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Happy Labor Day: We're All Workers!
by Ed Hudgins
The assumption behind Labor Day is that workers are distinct from managers, investors and entrepreneurs. But these roles are artificial. We're all workers and all workers should realize they're entrepreneurs, managers and investors in their own lives. (Read more...)
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A Cool Capitalist: The Centenary of the Air Conditioner
by Ed Hudgins
If you're sitting inside your house, office or car in cool comfort as the summer weather scorches all outside, give thanks to Willis Carrier, the American capitalist who, a century ago, invented and commercialized the air conditioner! (Read more...)
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July 4th - What Is Independence?
by Ed Hudgins
July 4th should not only remind us of our political independence from Britain. It should also call to mind the joys of being morally, intellectually and economically independent, and what is to be true Americans. Thus if we recommit ourselves to individual independence, if we recognize what makes our country great and what can help each of us flourish, then at our picnics, parties and cookouts on Independence Day, we’ll really have something to celebrate! (Read more...)
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Flushing the Koran or Reason Down the Toilet?
by Ed Hudgins
I've posted this link to a fine recent commentary on the evils of mysticism by Ed Hudgins, new executive director of The Objectivist Center, for two reasons. Not only does it speak bluntly on a vitally important issue, but it also refutes those who claim that his public position, and TOC's, is tepid or ambiguous on the issue of reason versus religious faith.
-- Robert Bidinotto (Read more...)
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Signals from SpaceShipOne
by Ed Hudgins
SpaceShipOne Fueled by Pride and Profits (Read more...)
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