
Rebirth of Reason

Articles: Machan, Tibor R.

April 25, 2009
What is Fascism?
by Tibor R. Machan
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So not long ago I penned a column in which I identified the economic
policies of the Obama administration's so far as fascist! In it I said
"Fascism is a political system in which a country is lead by a charismatic
leader who has full power to order things about because he (or she) is
taken to know best." (Read more...)

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April 18, 2009
Has Capitalism Been Invalidated?
by Tibor R. Machan
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Wieseltier is clever and keeps talking of an open society, not a free one.
For good reason—openness is a loose idea; a door can be open to a great
variety of degrees. But a free society isn't so flexible. You are free if
you are the master of your life, if you own it, if you have your right to
it fully respected and protected. Otherwise you aren't free and the
society in which you live isn't a free one. Ask any former slave whether
freedom means not having others intrude on one’s life or whether it means
that others intrude only, say, 40 percent. (Read more...)

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April 10, 2009
Some Sense about Advertising, etc.
by Tibor R. Machan
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One reason the Obama administration's stimulus policy may not work out so
well is that people aren't forced to respond to stimuli--they can turn
away, refuting the underlying assumptions of what it takes to get them out
there to buy stuff! (Read more...)

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April 3, 2009
This is Economic Fascism
by Tibor R. Machan
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Fascism is a political system in which a country is lead by a charismatic
leader who has full power to order things about because he (or she) is
taken to know best. Obviously this is a mythical sort of regime, with most
of its essential features impossible to come by. No such leader exists,
period, but there are many who pretend that they are fully qualified. (Read more...)

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March 28, 2009
War for Men's Minds
Executive Compensation
by Tibor R. Machan
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With the current brouhaha about high payouts in bonuses to company
executives whose companies didn't manage to be successful, it may appear
to be unjust to pay as per the terms of the contract but it isn't. As the
saying goes, a promise is a promise. (Read more...)

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March 20, 2009
Intellectual Ammunition
One's Right to be Wrong
by Tibor R. Machan
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 Why should people have the freedom to do what is wrong, provided
they aren't violating anyone's rights? (Read more...)

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March 14, 2009
Government Regulations Revisited
by Tibor R. Machan
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Government regulations are more akin to the policies of a police state, where the government regiments the population so as to make sure everyone is acting correctly, properly. (Read more...)
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March 8, 2009
Executive Compensation
by Tibor R. Machan
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I recall when I came West from communist Hungary I enjoyed all the wealth
that surrounded me despite having hardly any of it myself. (Read more...)

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February 28, 2009
"It's Only Money!"
by Tibor R. Machan
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How is it you never hear prominent critics of Western materialism and capitalism defending the likes of Bernard Madoff with the exclamation, "It's Only Money!"? (Read more...)
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February 21, 2009
Bias at The News Hour
by Tibor R. Machan
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Often I check out newscasts from several sources, not just in print and on
the Internet but also on radio and TV. One place where I check things out
fairly regularly is PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) TV's The News Hour
with Jim Lehrer, mainly because I am curious how a program funded to a
considerable extent from money taken in taxes handles controversial
topics. (Read more...)

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February 14, 2009
Taxation With No Possible Representation
by Tibor R. Machan
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    So, one thing that's dreadful about the current administration's--and the
former's--policy vis-a-vis the fiscal mess is that the remedies proposed
all impose massive taxation on future generations, people who haven't the
ghost of a chance to speak up for themselves. (Read more...)

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February 6, 2009
You Should Belong to Washington!
by Tibor R. Machan
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All this is advocated, of course, for the laudable cause of reviving the American economy. That kind of supreme objective is exactly what the Soviet government used to justify its disastrous Five Year Plans and what all tyrants use to excuse their system of subjugation. Never mind. (Read more...)
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January 31, 2009
Up To No Good (and Knowing It)
by Tibor R. Machan
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In my efforts to explain that taxation is extortion and a relic of the
feudal age when it was the rent landowners--mostly monarchs and
lords--collected from people, I have met with much resistance. It is
mostly based on the widespread belief that without taxation the functions
of government could not be paid for. (Read more...)

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January 23, 2009
The Celebrated vs. The Obscure
by Tibor R. Machan
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My impression is that the passage I have quoted above from our new president continues the mis-impression that the worthy kind of work must be physical labor. (Read more...)
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January 16, 2009
"Public" Abuse
by Tibor R. Machan
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    Run, don't walk, for the exit whenever someone begins to carry on about
the public interest, the public good, the public welfare and similar
allusions to deed and policies that supposedly advance us all. (Read more...)

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January 10, 2009
Israel, Hamas, and I
by Tibor R. Machan
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When one is bombarded with information about events the history of which
is ancient and so complex that hardly anyone commenting makes sense of
them, it is very tough to judge.   That’s how it is with me and the
current upheaval between Israel and Hamas. (Read more...)

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January 3, 2009
A Revolutionary Struggle
by Tibor R. Machan
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Be it welcome or not, there is a revolutionary struggle afoot in the world. It started when certain thinkers began to dispute the claims made by defenders of various rulers--monarchs, dictators, tsars and the like--that some people have a divine or natural right to run the lives of other people. (Read more...)
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December 27, 2008
Year End Pet Peeves
by Tibor R. Machan
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    Mostly I write on topics I suspect concern a wide enough audience.
Columnists don’t just write on anything that pops into their minds but
need to do a bit of service to reader-clients. But, if one has a regular
venue for one’s columns, it maybe fine, now and then, to indulge oneself
with a topic or two that’s more personal. Even these will, of course, aim
to please, if only by inviting reader-clients to know a bit of the writer. (Read more...)

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December 20, 2008
Against USA, Inc.
by Tibor R. Machan
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    Government, even if democratic--meaning one that serves everyone in
society--is to be limited in its scope. That scope is to secure our
rights, just as the American Founders envisioned it. (Read more...)

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December 14, 2008
Bailout Is No Public Good
by Tibor R. Machan
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The failures are a very good reason to stop all this wealth redistribution
and government regimentation--those folks up there in Washington,
Sacramento, Brussels, and the like just haven’t clue and thus all they can
do when they insist on “doing something” is to muddle about, pose,
pretend, or fake. (Read more...)

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December 8, 2008
The FDR "Solution"
by Tibor R. Machan
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 It is a very scary prospect but if president-elect Barack Obama is
serious about admiring President Franklin Delano Roosevelt for how the
latter dealt with America’s Great Depression, then America and the world
may be in for some very ugly times indeed. (Read more...)

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December 3, 2008
India, Government & Insecurity
by Tibor R. Machan
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       My impression is that if we had governments around the globe that
focused on their proper and properly limited job--namely, the securing or
protection of our rights--and they eschewed involvement in the
undertakings that's none of their business, there would be less terrorism
by far. (Read more...)

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November 26, 2008
No, I'm Not Mean
by Tibor R. Machan
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        No, I am not mean.  I am personally a frequent contributor to
voluntary efforts to lend a hand even while my focus in my writings
happens to be mostly on eliminating coercion from human interactions. (Read more...)

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November 20, 2008
Bailouts Destroy Prudence
by Tibor R. Machan
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This is just one of thousands of results of the mixed economy, the
welfare state, in which your individuality is abolished and you are
treated as a member of some ant colony or bee hive. You will be
conscripted to be part of it all, never mind how sensibly you may figure
out to deal with the fiasco. (Read more...)

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November 14, 2008
Exceptions Not the Rule
by Tibor R. Machan
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Many years ago I saw a guest on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson who fell out of an airplane without a parachute, landed in a tree that slowed his fall and left him totally uninjured, and lived to write a best selling book about his experience.  But, I am pleased to report, he did not become an advocate of everyone jumping out of airplanes. (Read more...)
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