Ten Years After
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
Ten years ago this week, the first two books of Sciabarra's "Dialectics and Liberty" trilogy were published. In this article, the author looks back ... (Read more...)
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 The Ayn Rand Centenary: Taking It Personally
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
[Note from Linz: This is the twelfth article on the Rand Centenary that The Free Radical has run this year. It is from the current issue. It is the only such article being made available online at this point. I urge SOLOists who have not already done so to subscribe to the hard-copy version & so help promote this SOLO-affiliated magazine & have it achieve the ascendancy over the competition that it deserves. Subscribe - and spread the word!]
I have spoken of Rand’s cultural impact, political influence, and radical legacy. But it is ultimately a personal liberation that Rand’s philosophy offered me, making all those other liberations of culture and politics possible. (Read more...)
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A Primer on Murray Rothbard
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
One can disagree, and disagree strongly, with various aspects of Rothbard’s work, and still be awestruck by the sheer depth and breadth, quantity and quality, of his remarkable output as a writer and thinker. (Read more...)
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Thursday February 17, 2005 |
 Miklos Rozsa: A Singular Life
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
Celebrating the Life and Music of Composer Miklos Rozsa (Read more...)
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 I Told You So
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
I was right about the Bush victory. What about the cultural and political implications of the President's triumph? (Read more...)
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 Like a Man Possessed
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
Review of Mario Lanza: An American Tragedy, by Armando Cesari (Fort Worth, Texas: Baskerville Publishers, Inc., 2004)
... (Read more...)
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 I'll Walk With God
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
Lanza, at his best, sang each song like a man possessed. It is an overblown cliche, but it is utterly impossible to project in words what I hear when I listen to a classic Lanza recording. Here's one example ... (Read more...)
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Saturday September 18, 2004 |
It's Time To Move On: A Personal Statement
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
The deplorable history of homophobia in the Objectivist movement has now been made apparent. This historical undertaking has not been an end in itself, but a means of disarming the moralizers who would seek our sanction for their gay bashing. Those who don't share in this mission should seek other forums on this topic. But even for those who do share in this mission: It's time to move on...
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Homo Hijackers? (2): Sciabarra's Rejoinder to Firehammer
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
The debate over Ayn Rand, Objectivism, and homosexuality continues in Sciabarra's rejoinder to Firehammer's reply. (Read more...)
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Wednesday September 1, 2004 |
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
A re-run of Chris Sciabarra's 1999 Free Radical article, 'A New New York,' in light of the debate about Giuliani on this page following his speech yesterday at the Republican Party's Convention. (Read more...)
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Caught Up in The Rapture
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
Religion is being used by the representatives of government and politically constituted groups as a statist tool for the remaking of the modern world. And therein lies the danger. ... (Read more...)
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 Bush Wins!
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
Other things being equal, voters are not going to choose Kerry, when they’ve already got in Bush a Republican dedicated to all the conventional Democratic planks: an expanding welfare state, budget deficits, and a war abroad. A long and potentially nasty campaign beckons ... But, as of this moment, I still think Bush wins. (Read more...)
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Desert Island Discs #3
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
If I'm in exile, I'm gonna want to boogie! Some of my fondest memories from New York dance clubs are from the 80s, and no album better captures that moment than ... (Read more...)
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 In Praise of Hijacking
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
Chris Matthew Sciabarra reviews The Hijacking of a Philosophy: Homosexuals vs. Ayn Rand’s Objectivism by Reginald Firehammer, a book that constitutes a reply to Sciabarra's own SOLO monograph, Ayn Rand, Homosexuality, and Human Liberation. (Read more...)
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 Celebrating The Great American Songbook
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
At a time when "performing artists" spit rage and revenge against their mothers, fathers, friends, and lovers with every permutation of the F-word imaginable, it is hard to believe that there was once an era of hit songs dominated by such romanticists as Cole Porter, George and Ira Gershwin, Jerome Kern, Irving Berlin, Richard Rodgers, Johnny Mercer, Henry Mancini, Johnny Mandel, Michel Legrand and Antonio Carlos Jobim. It is even harder to believe that the hit singles chart was once owned by singers whose words you could actually understand, crooning songs that were worth understanding. (Read more...)
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A Question of Loyalty: A "Saddamite" Responds to Perigo
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
The truth is, of course, that I am not a Saddamite. But it is very hard to discern exactly who is a Saddamite from Lindsay Perigo's essay "Saddam's Succours #3" or from essays #1 or #2 for that matter. I wish he'd name names. So, at the risk of buying into that old Carly Simon lyric, "You're so vain, You probably think this song is about you," I think a response to Perigo is necessary. (Read more...)
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The Professionalization of Ayn Rand Scholarship
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
Having recently celebrated the completion of four years of publication for The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (see my Free Radical article on the subject), I was asked on a discussion group about the presence of Ayn Rand in other professional, scholarly journals. (Read more...)
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Privacy and Civilization
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
"Civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy." - Ayn Rand Lindsay Perigo (Read more...)
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The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies: Four Years and Counting
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
I had been working very hard to secure a copy of the ever-elusive Ayn Rand college transcript from the University of St. Petersburg, an important postscript to my historical and archival work on Rand's beginnings as explored in Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical (Penn State Press, 1995). (Read more...)
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Understanding the Global Crisis: Reclaiming Rand’s Radical Legacy
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
"The tree of liberty," Thomas Jefferson wrote, "must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." And so, when I saw those startling images of a liberated Iraq-those first photos of fellow New Yorker, Major David "Bull" Guerfin of the U.S. Marines, ripping down the poster of Saddam Hussein in Safwan or that riveting footage of fellow Brooklynite, Marine Cpl. Edward Chin, helping jubilant Iraqis in Baghdad's Firdos Square to topple Hussein's 20-foot statue-it seemed to me that Jefferson's remark was as true as ever. (Read more...)
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Spreading Objectivism: Tips on Getting Published in Popular Media
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
I've always believed that Objectivist writers should work toward publishing in more and more popular venues. (Read more...)
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What the Hell Has Happened to the Radical Spirit of Objectivism?
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
For the past few months, debates over the war in Iraq have raged among Objectivists. (Read more...)
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Partisanship vs. Objectivity in Ayn Rand Scholarship
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
Imagine, for a moment, if we boycotted all those books written by people with whom we'd not "knowingly" associate, whether or not we have actually read the books or have met the people. What a victory for human knowledge! (Read more...)
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 Objectivism and Homosexuality 5: Ayn Rand and Beyond
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
The conclusion of the series. (Read more...)
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 Objectivism and Homosexuality pt4: The Times They Are A Changin'
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
In this fourth installment of the series, I examine the growing signs of change in the attitudes toward homosexuality expressed by people who have been involved to varying degrees with Objectivism. (Read more...)
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