
Rebirth of Reason

Articles: Hibbert, Paul

July 18, 2015
War for Men's Minds
A Solution to the Greek Credit Crisis
by Paul Hibbert
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The current economic crisis in Greece requires a totally new, radical approach that allows the Greek people to reinvent themselves and restore their dignity. The proposal separates the economy from the legitimate functions of government so that manipulation of the currency for political and social engineering ends is no longer possible.

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September 4, 2012
A Proposal to Completely Eliminate Federal Income Tax
by Paul Hibbert
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Craig Biddle in his article, How Would Government Be Funded in a Free Society?, in The Objective Standard makes a convincing argument for a means for voluntary funding of legitimate government activities. However, I think that more motivation is required to accomplish this ideal. The article details a means of directing funds according to the political and economic aspirations of the individual donors. (Read more...)
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April 26, 2012
When the Soul Stalkers Come
by Paul Hibbert
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Beware of the soul stalkers (Read more...)
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April 4, 2012
It's All a Matter of Precision
by Paul Hibbert
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The present butterfly effect theory doesn't come to the inescapable conclusion that small changes in initial conditions never die out without eventual significant effects. (Read more...)
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September 30, 2008
The Nanny State Did it
by Paul Hibbert
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 This was originated as a response to an editorial on Aug. 12 in the Santa Fe, NM: "Our View: Bush 'fesses up: It's Wall Street's Fault." It's more pertinent today than when it was written. The current crisis can be securely placed on the excess of government interference in the financial sphere than on the lack of regulations. (Read more...)
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March 10, 2008
Prudence: The Stolen Virtue
by Paul Hibbert
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Due to the proliferation of laws and regulations designed to protect people from themselves it is becoming almost impossible to be truly prudent — because to be prudent one must choose one's actions. (Read more...)
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October 26, 2007
Visualizing the Complex Relationship Between Truth and Falsehood
by Paul Hibbert
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This essay presents a possible alternative way of conceptualizing how truth and falsehood interact. Geographical information can be transmitted verbally but a map can do the same thing holistically and much more intuitively and efficiently. In much the same way, the relationship between true and false statements can be transmitted verbally but it is proposed that it might be possible to create a visual depiction of the same data. This concept is developed as an analogy of the Mandelbrot set — a mathematical construct that is integral to Chaos Theory. It would be possible to demonstrate, visually, that there are no so-called "grey areas" in the matter of truth and falsehood; moreover, Rand's dictum of "Examine your premises" can take on a new, graphical meaning. (Read more...)
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September 29, 2004
Support Groups in Santa Fe
by Paul Hibbert
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In this wondrous city of Santa Fe (The City Different) in of The Land of Enchantment (NewMexico), one is dumbstruck when one glances at the section of the pages of The Santa FeNew Mexican called Que Pasa? by the number of 'Support Groups' that are advertised. (Read more...)
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August 21, 2004
Democracy: Who Needs It?
by Paul Hibbert
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Democracy is coercive by its very nature but by dint of the maturation of capitalism to its present form it allows another means of constructing a society — one created by capitalists, devoid of coercion.
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August 5, 2004
Gold 'n Values
by Paul Hibbert
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Gold is the territory, not the map. It is a metaphor for personal integrity. (Read more...)
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July 21, 2004
Hike Rhymes and Misty Meanders
by Paul Hibbert
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This was written at the height of Clinton's escapades. (Read more...)
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June 23, 2004
A Method of Transferring Fractional Ounces of Physical Gold, with Confidence, from Person to Person.
by Paul Hibbert
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   Objectivists, libertarians and free market advocates are all strong believers in gold as a medium of exchange. Such luminaries as Alan Greenspan ("Gold and Economic Freedom", The Objectivist, July 1996 and "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal"), Murray N. Rothbard, F.A. Hayek, Ludwig von Mises and many others have ... (Read more...)
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April 29, 2004
"Cutting the Gordian Knot" - A Hypothetical Press Conference with Donald Trump
by Paul Hibbert
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Today, I wish to announce the creation of an enterprise, the socio-political and economic scope of which has never before been attempted. My fellow investors and I will create a corporation, registered in the United States entitled, "The Capitalist Covenantry of Freeland" (the CCF), the purpose of which is to create a new country and, as the name suggests, it will be based on capitalism, individual freedom and the absence of coercion. (Read more...)
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January 16, 2003
Objectivism and Zen
by Paul Hibbert
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Until several months ago when I read the speech, 'John Galt Recants', by David Stewart I thought I was the only person on the planet who believed that Objectivism and Zen weren't mutually exclusionary. (Read more...)
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