
Rebirth of Reason

Articles: Sturm, Tim

October 5, 2005
Wagner - My First Time
by Tim Sturm
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Cresswell, you were right, and Perigo was wrong. As wrong as Rand was on Beethoven. (Read more...)
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June 16, 2003
CommentaryThe Free Radical
Passion, Principles and Party Poopers - Musings on the Knowledge Wave Conference
by Tim Sturm
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A future leader gives the low-down on the "Knowledge Wave Conference". (Read more...)
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April 21, 2002
War for Men's MindsThe Free Radical
Libertarianism, Kiwi-Style
by Tim Sturm
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New Zealand’s economy is often viewed by libertarians elsewhere as having been the free market envy of the world, at least until recently, thanks to the reform process of the 1980s and 90s. This is an unfortunate view, firstly, because it is wrong, and secondly, because it distracts attention from recent events going on in New Zealand that libertarians should know about. The New Zealand example is fairly unique in a variety of ways that, while not necessarily making libertarian success much more likely, at least make it an interesting case study. The ultimate goal of New Zealand libertarianism is to establish New Freeland, a full libertarian society built on the consent axiom with individual rights protected in a constitution. The strategy for getting there has been an attack on all fronts, from the intellectual and philosophical fundamentals through to direct political agitation. Its biggest success so far has been firstly in establishing itself as what seems to be a permanent fixture, and secondly in raising the general level of awareness and understanding of libertarian thought. (Read more...)
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