
Rebirth of Reason

Articles: Bissell, Andrew

September 17, 2005
The New Green Inquisition
by Andrew Bissell
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Throughout the history of science, skeptics and radical thinkers have often battled entrenched orthodoxies -- imposed by religious and political institutions -- to achieve a better understanding of the way the world works. Galileo and Pasteur come to mind. Today’s global warming skeptics, it seems, sometimes have it no better. (Read more...)
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August 29, 2005
The High Costs of Free Health Care
by Andrew Bissell
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Health care is no different from any other service, except that it requires so much more investment—in education, technology, and time—to be done right. No amount of legal tinkering and government intervention can change that. Health care is a need too important to be entrusted to one institution, especially one as bloated, self-important, and inefficient as the federal government. (Read more...)
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August 6, 2005
NASA Chooses Environmentalism Over Astronaut Safety
by Andrew Bissell
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Columbia’s destruction and Discovery’s predicament are stark demonstrations of the real impact of environmentalist regulation, which is, to hobble human industry and arrest the progress of life-enhancing (and life-saving) technologies. (Read more...)
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July 20, 2005
Sense of Life
A Toast to TOC-Schenectady
by Andrew Bissell
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We all have moments in our lives that are so rare and precious, they’re worth bottling. At The Objectivist Center’s Summer Seminar in Schenectady last week, these moments flowed like water. (Read more...)
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March 14, 2005
Double-Standards and Ayn Rand's Personal Life
by Andrew Bissell
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Critics who obsess over the details of Ayn Rand's personal life give free-passes to the offenses of other writers and thinkers. (Read more...)
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February 23, 2005
Wal-Mart: A Big Business With a Backbone
by Andrew Bissell
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Like many successful businesses, Wal-Mart has come under fierce attack from a mob of politicians and self-appointed “community leaders.” They have tried to shut down the retail giant’s stores and block construction of new ones, using discriminatory ordinances and tax policies. Their grievances against Wal-Mart, though, sound more like praise for its competitive success than indictments for wrongdoing. (Read more...)
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February 7, 2005
Social Security: Privatize or Bust!
by Andrew Bissell
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Far from dignity, this is injustice, and I hope Social Security is abolished some day. But in the interim, I’ll take President Bush’s proposal, a bold move toward private accounts that could relieve the financial pressures on Social Security before they build to a full-scale crisis. (Read more...)
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October 27, 2004
Dissecting Kerry's Errors on Iraq and al Qaeda
by Andrew Bissell
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Sen. Kerry's wholehearted embrace of two serious errors in regard to the war raises serious doubts as to his fitness for the position of commander-in-chief. (Read more...)
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May 11, 2004
There's No Such Thing As a Free Download
by Andrew Bissell
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No matter what rationalizations music pirates offer, online file "sharing" is still synonymous with theft. (Read more...)
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May 2, 2004
From Easter to Earth Day: The Seamless Transition
by Andrew Bissell
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Make no mistake, this is not a happy tale of some noble idealists chaining themselves to trees or slapping bumper stickers on their Volvos to protest the loss of their favorite flying creatures. It is the sad story of a decades-long practice of sacrificing human lives — millions of them — to save birds. Only the most virulent anti-man philosophy could praise such an outcome. (Read more...)
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