
Rebirth of Reason

Sense of Life

A Composer's Mission Statement
by Adam Buker

As human beings, we have the ability and the burning need to create; to bring into reality an idea, thought, product, or a work of art that was not there before. All work done by rational thinking minds is creative, whether it's a task as simple as maintaining a garden or as complex as designing and erecting a skyscraper or sequencing the human genome. Creativity is a fundamental trait of all humans. However, that does not mean that everyone uses their creativity to an equal extent. To create that which is great, one must experience a burning desire to take steps in new directions. One must be dedicated with the highest discipline of mind and an exultant joy of spirit. This is what I demand of myself as a performer, as a composer, and as a man. I am not satisfied with anything I create that does not reflect this.

It never ceases to amaze me when I listen to astounding live performances or brilliant recordings. I hope to add new life to music by writing compositions that I would want to listen to. Music reaches many people at a spiritual level. One can listen to the great works of musical art and feel a resounding, "Yes! This is who I am." I listen to many different styles and genres of music (classical, rock, alternative and jazz to name a few) and out of all of the various genres, classical music is the only one that reaches my soul completely. I am enraptured by the music of Sergei Rachmaninoff, Debussy, Chopin, Lizst, Ravel, Grieg (and a few more). I can connect to these composers in ways that I can't with other composers. These composers have written music that has stirred the fires of my own soul to the point where it is hard to tell where the music stops and I begin.

When I compose, that feeling becomes all-encompassing. My music is an extension of my soul, my mind, and my body. That experience is the soundtrack to my life. Objectivism is my philosophy, and music is my religion. I want to hear inspiration. I want to hear my music reach higher and higher. I hope to make a mark, not in the sense that I'll be famous, but in the sense that I have contributed something new and worthwhile that survived on its own merits. I want to show the heights and depths of passion. To think that the good life is an impossible dream is to deny the very essence of what it means to be human. Life is good. Life is beautiful. My music is written in dedication to that which is ideal, for the ideal is real. It does exist. Without it, what is there to strive for?
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