
Rebirth of Reason

Articles: Praxes

April 9, 2003
Thinking Outside of the Euclidean Box
by Brett Holverstott
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"Let no one come to our school, who has not first learned the Elements." (Read more...)
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March 19, 2003
Intellectual Property
by Duncan Bayne
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The concept of 'intellectual property' is the source of much debate nowadays. (Read more...)
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November 21, 2002
The Controversy over Gene Patenting, Part Two
by Anthony Teets
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Part two of two parts. (Read more...)
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November 20, 2002
The Controversy over Gene Patenting, Part One
by Anthony Teets
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Is it ethical to patent a gene? Is it ethical to deny such patents? (Read more...)
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October 25, 2002
Antitrust Laws--A Joke?
by Joseph Rowlands
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Antitrust laws should receive an award for Dumbest Idea Put into Practice by Politicians. If it weren't for the damage they do, they would be a hilarious example of government stupidity.... (Read more...)
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September 30, 2002
Cogs in Whose Wheel?
by Kernon Gibes
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Viewing people as cogs in a wheel is a dangerous distortion, for when the wheel breaks, the cogs will not happily be stuffed back into place... (Read more...)
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August 28, 2002
Management of, by, and for the Numbers
by Kernon Gibes
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It's been a long and frustrating day. The plant is waiting on your analysis to troubleshoot a manufacturing problem. The delay will impact product supply, but you're having problems with your computer. The software keeps crashing. You call, Hal, the only computer person assigned to your site. But he can't help you unless he has an authorization number. (Read more...)
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August 22, 2002
The Revolution Begins at Home
by Andrew Bates
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Self-improvement by teaching good ideas. (Read more...)
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June 28, 2002
PraxesThe Free Radical
The Quantum Aristotle
by Peter Cresswell
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Since the Renaissance the west has revelled in technological progress and scientific advances - even as the philosophical ideas underpinning these successes have been undercut and undermined. (Read more...)
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May 16, 2002
Principles and the Law
by Joseph Rowlands
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Laws are an attempt to objectify the use of force in society. They describe the moral boundaries that cannot be crossed, and the punishment for crossing them. Laws, though, are written in the form of rules. (Read more...)
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May 10, 2002
I Are a Student
by Russell Madden
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Philadelphia was once a center for the explosion of liberty that helped create the United States. Perhaps one day its citizens will abandon the illusion that there can be a "middle-way" between freedom and its opposite. Perhaps one day they will opt for true educational reform and, at last, set their students free. (Read more...)
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April 23, 2002
An Educational Game
by Joseph Rowlands
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The rules of this game are simple. We’re going to pretend that we’re running the government. But instead of valuing education, we’re going to pretend that we disvalue education. (Read more...)
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April 22, 2002
PraxesThe Free Radical
Athens v Sparta
by Peter Cresswell
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It is our minds that make us distinctly human. It is our very means of survival, & our chief glory; it is the human mind that is responsible for a Beethoven symphony, a Shakespearean sonnet, an Aristotelian treatise (& the glories of dark ale & red wine). As a bird teaches its young to fly, & a lioness her cubs to hunt, so too must we humans teach our infants to think - to use the mind they are born with. (Read more...)
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April 22, 2002
PraxesThe Free Radical
Trafficking with the Brain-Dead
by Larry Sechrest
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What is the single biggest problem I have encountered? The students. (Read more...)
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April 21, 2002
PraxesThe Free Radical
"As the sun shows itself at the dawn..." A tribute to Maria Montessori
by Chris Lewis
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The state of education in this country is a shambles. Parents who are concerned about the future well-being of their children are searching desperately for educational alternatives. The increased demand for private schooling and the dramatic rise in the number of home-schooled children provide an accurate measure of the growing degree of parental dissatisfaction with the current situation. (Read more...)
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April 20, 2002
PraxesThe Free Radical
The Crab Bucket Mentality and The Fountainhead
by Chris Lewis
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Anyone familiar with the behaviour of a bunch of crabs trapped at the bottom of a bucket will know what happens when one of them tries to climb to the top; instead of attempting the climb themselves, those left at the bottom of the bucket will do all in their collective power to drag the climber back down. And although crab behaviour should not in any way be analogous to human behaviour, I can think of many instances where it is. (Read more...)
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April 20, 2002
PraxesThe Free Radical
Suzuki and Montessori versus Today's Culture
by Chris Lewis
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In a speech to parents at the recent NZSI workshop at St Cuthberts College in Auckland, visiting American violin tutor, Craig Timmerman, stated that the ideas of Dr Maria Montessori and Dr Suzuki have had an enormous impact on childhood education throughout the world. (Read more...)
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