I Love People! (And Why You Should, Too!) As Objectivists, we also understand a lot of other things that can bring even a buoyant personality (oh, perhaps a Joy Bushnell, for example) down. We understand that we must take responsibility not only for our actions, but also for the contents of the organ between the ears. We each must identify and act for our self-interest, as this is our means of survival and personal responsibility. If we wish to be wealthy or wise, we must work hard to do it ourselves. If we face adversity in our lives, the problem and solution begins and ends with us. So much of Objectivism is focused on the individual, personal responsibility, independence, revolting against the tyranny of the group. Whew. That's a lot of responsibility, a lot of lonely work! Here's where the important part comes in: PEOPLE MAKE LIVING THIS SO MUCH EASIER! How? As an adventurer and problem solver in the grand expedition of your life, you are in great measure limited in what decisions you make and actions you take by your personal experience. This is where other people come in. I cannot even count the number of people in my life who have unwittingly changed my perspective on some issue, imparted some knowledge, or whose company gave me an added bit of pep to get past whatever travail I faced. And here's the kicker-these brilliant perspectives, needed boosts, and extra knowledge have often come from absolutely unlikely sources. A stranger on the train. The quiet woman in the back of class. A younger sibling. An employer. A co-worker with whom I rarely spoke. Don't get me wrong-I am still my primary priority. And my private time is precious to me. And I, too, am often confronted with stupidity or statist nonsense that makes me want to scream. But don't let these events sour you to what others have to offer. Ask yourself, when last faced with a bit of adversity, what refocused you, re-energized you, got you back on track: brooding and scheming, alone in your home, or:
So don't be an Objectivist hermit. And just as you do not want to be judged by others at a glance, give others an opportunity to enrich your life. That's why I love people, and why you should, too! It's in your self-interest!
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