Time to Get Real About Elections A Proclamation Whereas, it is the sense (a term applied Advisedly) of Congress, reinforced By panicked sundry pols on every side-- The several states concurring, and endorsed By pollsters of impartial prejudice, Unable to dissolve statistical Deposits of their data to dismiss The obvious--that citizens, who shall Be known hereafter as “The Sovereign,” Don't bother with elections (but Congress notes, With gratitude, the useful citizen Protecting transfer payments always votes Until informed no payments can be cut); And also, whereas, it is evident, And here acknowledged, anyone, but Anyone, can run for president, Who yearns to program half-a-billion lives With schemes that long experience reveals To lawyers, senators, frustrated wives, And others so well-known for high ideals; It is proclaimed, this day, to hell with it (The several states do solemnly agree And polls reveal that no one gives a shit); Henceforward, be it known, by lottery Our nation monthly shall denominate A citizen distinguished by good luck (We badly need) to serve as head of state; Campaign expense may not exceed a buck; Said President, except for any praise Of “hope,” shall not be subject to recall For messing with our lives for thirty days; And may the God of Mercy save us all. Walter Donway is the author of a new book of poetry, Touched By Its Rays, which is presented on his Web site touchedbyitsrays.
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