Note to Self what cannot be explained and what can be your death if you withhold it. Pass your words along to friends and lovers far and wide, because without them they will have nothing to remember of your mind. No thing will give you nothing in return. Notes will give you letters, wide will give you vast; 'what' will give you 'when', 'where' and 'why'. Past will give you future, and cans will give you soup. You can live without the things that nothing can destroy. You can let them pass you never thinking that no two holes can fill a void, and dream of what might be yours if you lived wide, and not narrow. But you shouldn't. 'Why?' is the question you must ask whenever you can. 'When?' is what you will always wonder. 'What?' is the question you will answer most. 'Nothing' is the lie you should never tell when asked. Notes are what you should take in class and when observing the past. Are you getting all this? Past the city, there are meadows wide and forbidding. You will note that they are there, and you will do what you can to never visit. But you should visit. You should know a thing before you dismiss it. You should learn what you can do with it. What at first sight you think you understand, do not pass over without a second glance. There is no thing that deserves no chance. The world is wide and your allotted exploration time cannot be measured. All measures are made up of notes. All pain is made of pleasure. Note to self: you are what you do. You can pass yourself up. You can scream and you can sing. You can be wide or narrow. Nothing will stop you.
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