This is not what that meant by land of the free Now, the concept of land of the free has no involvement with freedom, and in actuality dismisses most characteristics of it altogether. Free healthcare, free drugs, free education, free food, free day care, free abortions. This is the new land of the free. Our new land has destructed the old, where individuals were free to choose and make individual decisions, to pursue happiness, and to live by their values and to provide for themselves and their families. Now, collectivists want to make decisions for everyone else, make people unfree to choose the educational facility for their child, but provide "free" education for them. Make person's unfree to choose their doctor, yet make seeing that doctor "free" as well. There has been no attempt to hide this. The collectivists have never hidden their hatred for private education, religious schools, or home schooling parents. They have never hidden their burning desire to nationalize America's Healthcare system and, if applicable, set private doctors on fire. Their goal is to control everything, and their means to achieve that goal is to make everyone think it is all free. But while such a system may be cost free to some, it is costly to most people. And while I hate to state the obvious, nothing is free. To be sure, textbooks, pharmaceutical drugs, and food do not materialize from the Ozone layer (whether or not collectivists do is another matter). These items must be paid by someone, somewhere. Second, the cost of efficiency, availability, and quality is far too great to compromise. What good is free healthcare when it takes four months to see a doctor, and what good is medical equipment that is not up to date because there is a greater financial reason not to upgrade than to do so? Finally, there is the cost of freedom. It is only by a means of force that such systems could be paid for. Force and freedom are polar opposites. And should people choose to use an alternative system, assuming in the unlikely event the collectivists would allow one to exist, they still get to pay for the "free" system they will never use. There are those people, the parasites of society, who have no concern for these losses however. They do not worry because they are the ones whom the collectivists admire, and with whom they sympathize. They are the people who will gain far more than they would ever lose, and to them a free product is greater than freedom. It takes a great deal of discipline to manage to be a fully incapable and unproductive member of society, leaching off those who do produce, and who want to be free. But the parasites that cling to the efforts of other men are growing in number as it becomes more profitable to do so. But while the collectivists try to convince people that they are aiming to reduce the number of these unproductive in society, it is they whom inspire this number of parasites to grow. Fortunately, there are still those who wish to be free, in the original sense of the word... and these are the people who are hated most. They are the successful and the independent. These are the people who move society, and allow it to evolve, while trying their best to limit the damage of the parasites grasping firmly on their backs for the ride. They are the middle class families who want to depend on and provide for themselves, with the ability to make those decisions best suited for them. They are the businessmen who want to expand their role in society, by expanding the size of their firms and product and employees. They are the moms and dads who want to know that they have the choice to give their children the best education and healthcare they can. They want to be free to choose. And they are enemy number one. Discuss this Article (10 messages) |