
Rebirth of Reason

The Good Life

Get Your Freedom Soda Here!
by Jeff Landauer

There are many small tragedies that we all suffer every day at the hands of an overbearing government.  And one of these tragedies, for those of us living in the USA, is inferior sodas sweetened with high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) instead of real sugar because of a combination of sugar tariffs and corn subsidies.

The world market price for sugar is less than the price of HFCS, so every other country (that I’m aware of) has their sodas sweetened with sugar.  It tastes better and some argue that it is healthier, too.  Sometimes in California we can find Mexican Coke in small Hispanic groceries, but it is a lot more expensive because it has to be imported and always comes in a glass bottle.  And I’m told that in Jewish areas during certain holidays there are special kosher versions of major brand sodas made with real sugar, since HFCS is a grain and thus taboo.  But most of the time, in most places here, we are just out of luck and have to suffer inferior soda to ensure the survival of both domestic sugar growers (sugar tariffs) and domestic corn growers (corn subsidies).

Well, rejoice, oh lovers of freedom!  For a few months only, Pepsi is offering Pepsi Throwback and Mountain Dew Throwback.  Buy yours today and enjoy a wonderful hypothetical taste of freedom.  This is what our sodas would taste like if we lived in a free country without government meddling in the economy, or at least without meddling in this particular manner.  I bought all the cases of Mountain Dew Throwback that they had at my local grocery store and let me say that freedom, in this instance as in all, tastes delicious.
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