
Rebirth of Reason


On the Shoulders of Giants
by Marty Lewinter

I'll spin a tale for you my friend
That, full of things mysterious,
Will make you hope it has no end –
With joy you'll wax delirious.

It started in the days of yore
When kings decreed and man took heed –
When living was a joyless chore –
Mankind yearning to be freed.

Science hid from the light of day.
Love of life fled underground
As the mighty tyrant had his way
And man forgot that the Earth was round.

But human spirit can't be banned –
One sunny day it did return.
Resistance spread across the land!
Heroes that the church would burn
Painted, wrote, composed, and charted.
Man defied and tyrants smarted.
Myth, dogma, superstition,
The wicked alliance of state and religion
Retreated from the light and power of reason
And the end was near of the long wintry season.

Enlightened man then broke his chains
And wizards, priests, and kings at last
Saw the writing on the wall of the men of brains:
"Get out of our way, ogres of the past."
And the evil enemies of mankind saw
That they'd been replaced by natural law.

Embraced by freedom, science, peace and art,
Rejoice oh children of the modern day.
Love your life and the dreams of your heart -
But remember the giants who had to pay.
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