
Rebirth of Reason

Chris Phoenix

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Just visiting, for now. I'm not an Objectivist, but was originally impressed by the apparently constructive attitude of this group. They can discuss tough issues openly, even crudely, without getting lost in flamewars. But I'm becoming less impressed by some of the knee-jerk negativism. "The contradiction between their professed positiveness and their actual negativity about nearly everything never seemed to occur to them. .... The world's failure to live up to the impossible promises of the positive-thinking credo did not convince these men of the credo's impracticality, but rather that the world was in a sad state of decline, that it had forsaken the true and correct path." Thomas Frank, _What's the Matter With Kansas?_ For example, some of the people here inveigh against anti-drunk-driving laws with an energy that surely distracts them from working to correct far more intrusive and dangerous governmental policies. Most of my time is spent on my Center for Responsible Nanotechnology.


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