
Rebirth of Reason

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November 21, 2013
Morality as a Given
by Joseph Rowlands
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One problem that is all too common is for people to try to explain morality while taking the contents of it for granted. The issue comes up frequently in atheist circles because they don't accept the traditional view of morality as something created by God and learned from religious texts. So they try to come up with... (Read more...)
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November 26, 2013
A Precis on Humanism
by Tibor R. Machan
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A humanist argues, not unlike Socrates did, that ethics or morality rests on an understanding of human nature. (Read more...)
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December 3, 2013
Big Moral Stakes
by Joseph Rowlands
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There are many people who believe that a cost/benefit analysis is not appropriate for certain moral choices. There is a fear that if an option were viewed in that way, it would lead to behaviors that are widely viewed as immoral. Instead, they desire a kind of moral rule that prevents any weighing of options and dema... (Read more...)
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December 8, 2013
Democracy and Gay Marriages
by Tibor R. Machan
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Marriages ought to be a matter of contract and not based on any myth or superstition. Folks should not be interfered with if they want to form a family union, however it is configured, so long as it isn’t some kind of criminal gang. (Read more...)
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December 14, 2013
A Priori Knowledge
by Joseph Rowlands
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I'm reading a book about the methodology of Austrian Economics, and it discusses the foundational premises as a kind of a priori knowledge. In this context, it is not intended to mean that we are born with this knowledge or that it is self-evident in the literal sense. It isn't automatic knowledge. It is still the p... (Read more...)
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December 16, 2013
Intellectual Ammunition
The fiat money quantity FMQ
by Alasdair Macleod
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FMQ: To replicate the theoretical reversal of the process of replacing physical gold initially with money-substitutes, and then unbacked currency after the Nixon Shock when all convertibility was finally suspended. (Read more...)
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December 18, 2013
Good Samaritanism must be voluntary
by Tibor R. Machan
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Should bystanders be forced to help out or give evidence to the authorities? (Read more...)
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December 23, 2013
Moral Perfection
by Joseph Rowlands
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One interesting question in the field of morality is whether you can be morally perfect or not. Is it even possible? Is it so hard that you shouldn't expect to achieve it? Is it a worthwhile goal? Is someone's moral imperfections a reason to damn them, or something that should be expected and tolerated? The ... (Read more...)
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December 29, 2013
by Fred Seddon
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A review of Bissell's review on DIM from the December, 2013 issue of JARS (Read more...)
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January 5, 2014
by Fred Seddon
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This is part II of my review of Bissell's review of DIM in the latest edition of JARS (Read more...)
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January 10, 2014
States of Consciousness
by Joseph Rowlands
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I had lunch with a guy who decided to convince me that meditation could lead your mind to achieve a new state of consciousness. Knowing a bit about my philosophical views, he expected some serious resistance to the idea. But instead of arguing, I accepted the possibility that it could happen. And then I explained wh... (Read more...)
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January 16, 2014
by Fred Seddon
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This is part II of my review of Bissell's review of DIM in the latest edition of JARS. (Read more...)
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January 22, 2014
On Principle
by Joseph Rowlands
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It's common for people to perform an action while saying they are doing it "on principle". You might refuse to do business with a relative "on principle". You might pay off your own loans in a timely matter "on principle". You might refuse to deal with someone who has betrayed you "on principle". There are countles... (Read more...)
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January 29, 2014
The Worst of the State of the Union Address
by Tibor R. Machan
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As far as I can tell, the worst idea in President Obama’s 2014 State of the Union address went like this: "That's what most Americans want -- for all of us in this chamber to focus on their lives, their hopes, their aspirations."  Dead wrong!

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February 4, 2014
Different Kinds of Threats
by Joseph Rowlands
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The word 'threat' gets used in a lot of different ways which can often obscure facts. This is particularly true when it comes to foreign affairs. If a country declares their intent to destroy another country, you might think this is a clear example of a threat. But many people will ignore these declarations and determi... (Read more...)
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February 10, 2014
The New York Times is Wrong Again
by Tibor R. Machan
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The fact is that the libertarianism was the gist of the philosophical foundation of the American political system.  Natural individual rights! Limited constitutional government! Free market! Due process of law!

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February 18, 2014
Justice Virtue and Value
by Joseph Rowlands
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Justice is often difficult to achieve. If someone betrays you, you probably won't have the opportunity to punish them for the act. Without the ability to use force, interactions between people must be voluntary. And if someone betrayed you, they will be unlikely to provide you the opportunity to return the favor. While... (Read more...)
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February 25, 2014
The Logic of Equalization
by Tibor R. Machan
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This morning my TV news station reported on how the Federal Communications Commission drafted an order to visit broadcast newsrooms and make sure they treated news items fairly, that they make balanced presentations of the pros and cons on various public policies.  The order was, however, quickly rescinded.  It was just a bit too draconian a way for the government of supposedly free country, with an explicit first amendment protecting the freedom of the press, to behave.

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March 4, 2014
Objectivism Mind-Body Dichotomy
by Joseph Rowlands
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Let me start by saying that I don't believe that Objectivism, properly understood, has a mind-body dichotomy. In fact, it goes to great lengths to identify the false dichotomy and to make sure to avoid it. But while the theory may avoid it, there is always room for problems in practice. ... (Read more...)
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March 10, 2014
War for Men's Minds
Egalitarian Nightmares
by Tibor R. Machan
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Probably every era has its scary ideology and ours, I’m afraid, is egalitarianism.

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March 17, 2014
Business and Government
by Joseph Rowlands
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It's common among the political left to despise and fear large businesses. For a variety of reasons, they believe that to be successful in business, you have to take advantage of others. They think that businesses get special favors and treatment by the government, and that's why they are successful. ... (Read more...)
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March 24, 2014
How Useful is your Knowledge?
by Joseph Rowlands
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When you study a topic in school, how useful is it? Is it something you will end up using? Is it ever relevant? Is it even easy to tell? ... (Read more...)
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March 30, 2014
The Market for Citizenship
by Michael E. Marotta
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Why is citizenship different from any other service or commodity? Voting shares (citizenship) could be bought and sold repeatedly. The price of a vote would rise close to elections and fall in the off season. People could change "citizenship" i.e., voting rights often, repeatedly, and for a profit (buy low, sell high).


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April 6, 2014
War for Men's Minds
Obama Butts in Again
by Tibor R. Machan
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I am puzzled that there is hardly any mention in the press – columns, editorials, etc. – about Mr. Obama's executive intrusion in the employment realm. 

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April 13, 2014
A Chronic Liar
by Joseph Rowlands
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A friend once told me about a girl who had lied to him. Lying was bad enough, but there was no point to it. The lie had no purpose. When he found out about the one lie, he started checking some of the other things she had told him, and eventually found that she had lied about almost everything. And all of it was equall... (Read more...)
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