Virtuous Living (7 of 13): Productiveness So again, let's identify clearly what the moral principle is here. The idea here is that values are important and good, but they don't just come into existence. You have to act in order to achieve them. The moral foundation is that you need values in order to survive, and that life is a process of seeking values. So the point of this is that you need to act in order to gain values. Productiveness is the virtue that recognizes that you need to act to gain values. What values does Productiveness attempt to gain? Like rationality, it is required for all values. Any value that needs to be created or acquired needs you to take the responsibility to go and get it. So what does this mean in practice? Well, of course it depends on whether you accept Passive or Active virtues. Again, we'll start with Passive virtues. As a limit on action, Productiveness tells you not to be lazy. If you want a value, you have to work to get it. It won't happen without your effort, so don't wait for it. Get up and actually work to attain the value. Employ the proper means, and push yourself to achieve the values. The Active form of Productiveness has a larger scope. It suggests not only that you make a habit out of achieving your goals, but it calls for you to improve your ability to achieve those goals. Work to acquire the skills necessary for you to create values. Create opportunities and learn to take advantage of them. Acquire the wealth you need to expand your productive capacities. Enhance your ability to produce value. Take some training classes in your profession. Make lists of things you'd like to accomplish, and work on them. Learn to change the oil in your car. Learn to cook Thai food. Work on your time management skills. Make an effort to get up early on a weekend and do something exciting.
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