
Rebirth of Reason

War for Men's Minds

One Downside of non-Western Fundamentalism: Evidence from Earthquake Data
by Ed Thompson

This short summary is meant to compare the death tolls from similar (or less)-magnitude earth quakes – and to take note of the differential lives lost in various regions holding different world-views.

Richter Scale 8.6 or below:

1964 (8.6) in Alaska – 118 killed

1968 (7.8) in Iran – 12,000 killed
1970 (7.75) in Peru – 50,000-75,000 killed
1976 (7.5) in Guatemala – 23,000 killed
1978 (7.7) in Iran – 25,000 killed
1990 (7.7) in Iran – 50,000 killed
1999 (7.4) in Turkey – 35,000 killed

Take away message: In this cohort, non-Westernized countries experienced at least a 100-fold fatality rate (compared to Westernized countries) for similar -- or less destructive -- natural disasters.

Richter Scale 6.9 or below:

1988 (6.9) in Armenia – 60,000 killed

1989 (6.9) in San Franciso – 60 killed

Take away message: In this cohort, mon-Westernized countries experienced a 1000-fold fatality rate (compared to Westernized countries) for similar -- or less destructive -- natural disasters.

Richter Scale 6.6 or below:

1972 (6.25) in Nicaragua – 10,000 killed

1994 (6.6) in Los Angeles – 58 killed

Take away message: In this cohort, non-Westernized countries experienced nearly a 200-fold fatality rate (compared to Westernized countries) for similar -- or less destructive -- natural disasters.

Value (in terms of human lives saved) of adopting a Westernized philosophy: Priceless.
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