Halt, Oh Curtain, Fall Not On Me
by Marty Lewinter
Halt, oh curtain, fall not on me. Many scenes have I yet to play. Happy audience fail not to see, On my grand stage, the shining day! Though now my face bears scars of time And my wounded smiles at times conceal My sun-lit pages of joyous rhyme That made my li... (Read more...)
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Skepticism about Government Regulation
by Tibor R. Machan
As the question goes, "Who is going to regulate the regulators when they engage in truly dangerous misconduct?" (Read more...)
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Cities from Space
by Michael E. Marotta
... "city lights present the space observer spectacular evidence of our existence, our distribution, and our ability to change our environment..." (Read more...)
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So then Be A Proud Socialist!
by Tibor R. Machan
It is disgusting to witness all the dishonesty surrounding the current administration's public policy efforts. Even the new language columnist of The New York Times Magazine is in denial and pretends to consider it some kind of smear--even conspiracy--for those not among Mr. Obama's fan base to refer Obama & Co. as socialists. Why? (Read more...)
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CLASH OF THE TITANS 2010: "Atlas Flinched"
by Joseph C. Maurone
"For the moment, at least, there is sufficient cowardice, sloth, and mendacity rampant on Earth to last for some time." (Read more...)
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Logic of Democracy
by Alexander Feht
If everyone has equal voting rights, and the majority of population consists of imbeciles and parasites, these shall enjoy perpetual domination unless the state is run as corporation, that is, each vote acquires a vested weight proportional to total taxes paid. (Read more...)
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Is the U. S. Self-Interested?
by Tibor R. Machan
Who can dispute that self-defense is self-interested? Of course, with the prominence of altruism among intellectuals and public figures, it is probably no great surprise that Mr. Obama would reject characterizing American foreign policy as self-interested. "Selfish" has this bad odor about it and has had that since when philosophers, theologians and psychologists have decided that the human self is something malign. (Read more...)
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Grandpa’s Ghost
by James Erwin Poling
But possibly my fate is worse, or more insane, for I willingly choke my own life; straining against my collar at the very edge of my run, I refuse to acquiesce to my proscription. It is my own fault, I could submit, and lead a peaceful life barking on command with my neighbors--as the minions of Pavlov would have of me. I don’t think they deserve the satisfaction, and I cannot bring myself to allow it to them. (Read more...)
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The Parable of the Octopus Man
by Richard Gleaves
It wasn't anything serious, just a head cold-- a minor bit of sniffles. Every reputable doctor he visited told him to go home and drink fluids and sleep and he'd feel better within a few days. But, because Quincy was a hypochondriac, he continued searching until he found someone who told him what he wanted to hear. (Read more...)
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The Anatomy of Coercion
by William Scott Dwyer
In this article, I reply to arguments by John Hospers in which he questions the clarity and legitimacy of the non-initiation-of-force principle. I defend the principle and explain what is wrong with his philosophical objections to it. (Read more...)
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Peddling the Corruption of Liberty
by Tibor R. Machan
When a human being is free in the most important, political sense, he or she is sovereign. This means that one governs one’s own life—others must refrain from intruding on this life, plain and simple. That life may be fortunate or not, rich or not, beautiful or not, and many other things or not, but what matters is that that life is no one else’s to mess with. One gets to run it, no one else does. (Read more...)
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Big Business as Opponent of Free-Markets
by Tom Blumer
A link to an article at another web site. (Read more...)
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In Defense of Joe Stack
by B B
Which do you consider more delusional: flying a plane into a government building in retaliation of government abuse or believing that the government exists to protect your individual rights? If you answered the former, you're certainly not alone. However, though you might not have thought twice before responding to what appeared to be a silly question, perhaps it's worth considering the moral premises that led to your belief. (Read more...)
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How about them Philosophical Differences?
by Tibor R. Machan
The little commitment to individual liberty and free market transactions left within the ranks of Republicans just isn't going to give them intellectual--philosophical--leverage against a clever bunch of egalitarians. (Read more...)
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Wednesday February 24, 2010 |
by Alexandra York
So there it was in all its international “glory”: Super Bowl 2010, this year becoming the most-watched show in the whole of television history, broadcasting to the entire world a series of snapshots depicting Americans’ preferred pleasures and pastimes. (Read more...)
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Tea Parties vs. Originalism
by Curtis Edward Clark
Tea Party language calls for "smaller government". Smaller government means nothing, because theoretically it could still include Medicare, Social Security, income taxes, death taxes, and other forms of government power over the individual that was never "originally intended." (Read more...)
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Wednesday February 17, 2010 |
My Take on Current Situation in Music
by Alexander Feht
The following is my personal view of the current state of the "serious" music. I compose tonal music and earn my living mostly as a translator; I am Siberian Russian, arrived into the US as a political refugee in 1987, and live in Southern Colorado mountains. I am looking for congenial minds who would be interested in ... (Read more...)
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Public Service Work and Unionization
by Tibor R. Machan
America is supposed to be a free country, as are in fact all others supposed to be, and here some semblance of such a country had been attempted. But public service unions, as many other "pseudo-market" agents--companies receiving subsidies and protection from foreign competition--are subverting this attempt. It is high time to put an end to it all. (Read more...)
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Wednesday February 10, 2010 |
A baseball prodigy in an Outcome Based world
by Scott Webster Wood
A young boy with a talent and a passion for baseball learns a valuable lesson about altruism. (Read more...)
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"A Republic, If You Can Keep It"
by Joseph C. Maurone
The obvious question to ask is: Did we keep it? The tougher question is, was it ever even possible? (Read more...)
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Why the First Amendment?
by Tibor R. Machan
All the fuss about the various US Supreme and other court rulings pertaining to campaign contributions would, I believe, subside once the matter were put into the right framework, namely, the exercise of the right to private property. It is not about free speech but about freedom to use what belongs to one as he or she--or they-- see fit. (Read more...)
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Untying the Gordian Knot
by W Chase
Sitting in my room on a sunny summer day, surrounded by vertiginous stacks of Casper the Friendly Ghost, Archie, and Richie Rich comic books, and still more books, I read with an intense fascination, as if I'm on the verge of discovering the secrets of reality, the hacks of existence, the Cheat Codes of Life. One may wonder how such a feat could possibly be gleaned off of children's comics, but I'm not entertaining myself with Casper, Archie, or Richie. No, I'm immersing myself in something much less pedestrian and much more dangerous. Drowning my intellect in a miasma of fallacies, I instead satiate my naiveté-stricken appetite for knowledge with encyclopedias of superstitions, stories of the supernatural, and what would otherwise be the peddling of a snake oil salesman in lesser civilized countries. (Read more...)
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Game Theory of Communism and Capitalism
by Dean Michael Gores
Ever want to see what the numbers were behind people's motivation to be productive in Capitalism vs in Communism? Here's the full scoop, with equations in generalized form. Maybe its time to relax? (Read more...)
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Wednesday January 20, 2010 |
Planners and Earthquakes
by Tibor R. Machan
A massive earthquake is only a reminder of what the Austrian economists taught with their research and theoretical work--the most reasonable economic system is one that lets decisions be made on the ground, among the free men and women who make the market do its work. (Read more...)
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"Don't You Eat That Yellow Snow," or, The Unmitigated Audacity of "Hope"
by Joseph C. Maurone
They say when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. But when that lemonade comes from the Obama administration, the best advice is to "watch out where Alinsky goes, and don't you eat that yellow snow..." (Read more...)
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