
Rebirth of Reason

Articles Listed by Date

June 4, 2008
Harry Reid’s "Voluntary" Taxation
by Tibor R. Machan
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On the Web Site, FreeLiberal.com, to which someone guided me, Senator Harry Reid of Nevada defended the idea that taxation in America, especially the federal income tax, is voluntary. His basic argument was, believe it or not, that elsewhere in the world people lack the many loopholes we enjoy here. (These, by the way, are the loopholes Senator Reid and his fellows in the Senate are constantly promising to close!) So while the Senator’s case that taxation is voluntary rests on there being loopholes in the system, he is vehemently opposed to those loopholes. (Read more...)
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May 29, 2008
Affirmative Action and Blood Guilt
by G. Stolyarov II
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 The heinous idea of blood guilt is alive and well today in the United States. Yes, the same kind of fundamental mindset that characterized the policies of the governments of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union is today advocated by proponents of affirmative action. (Read more...)
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May 22, 2008
Pursuing your Happiness
by Tibor R. Machan
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When the Founders made happiness part of America’s political fabric they made clear that what each of us has a right to is the pursuit of it. As with all individual rights in this political tradition, the right to the pursuit of happiness is a right to take actions of certain sorts, ones that are aimed at achieving our happiness. Even the most basic right, to one’s life, is a right to take a great many actions. Life, after all, consists of being active! The right to private property, too, is a right to take actions that result in the acquisition of valued items. (Read more...)
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May 19, 2008
Sense of Life
The Young Sparrow
by Ed Thompson
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A short story. (Read more...)
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May 13, 2008
A Corrupt Profession
by Tibor R. Machan
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There are those who believe that business is inherently corrupt--communists would be among those, and socialists. The very idea of striving to make a profit is treated by these people as morally objectionable. Of course, some even think medicine fits the bill, or military service. And there are animal rights advocates who believe the entire meat industry is morally base. (Read more...)
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May 7, 2008
Soros' Follies Again
by Tibor R. Machan
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In the late 60s I was invited to listen to a fellow Hungarian refugee in Los Angeles discuss communism. I nearly walked out when he began with the refrain about how communism is such a wonderful ideal but, sadly, unattainable in practice. What wonderful ideal? The prospect of a worldwide intelligent ant colony, bound together completely with no individual initiative in play anywhere, all automatically serving humanity--is that some wonderful ideal? It is hell, so (Read more...)
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May 5, 2008
Emotional Responses and Selecting Values
by Joseph Rowlands
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In the last lecture, I talked about how intrinsic values can't be rationally compared, so you're left with just feeling your way to a solution. This is a pretty serious problem, and what we're going to focus on in this thread. (Read more...)
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April 30, 2008
Should We Elect a Problem Solver?
by Tibor R. Machan
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In his long interview with Chris Wallace on Fox TV on Sunday April 27, Senator Obama asserted that "The American people, what they are looking for is somebody who can solve their problems." (Read more...)
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April 28, 2008
Sense of Life
Arthur C. Clarke Was Wrong, So Progress Must Have Stopped
by Warren Meyer
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Despite the pessimistic title, this is a wonderfully optimistic piece in response to an Erlich-esque view by Paul Krugman, who has been less than impressed by the past 50 years of Western technology. Julian Simon and Paul Pilzer would enjoy this piece immensely.

Sometimes, we all need a reminder of just how fortunate we are to be living in the time and place that we do. This piece is just such a reminder. (Read more...)

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April 25, 2008
Randula, the Altruist Slayer
by Dennis C. Hardin
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George H. Smith taunts Objectivists for seeing altruistic ‘Reds’ under every ideological bed (Read more...)
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April 23, 2008
Wandering About the East Village
by Tibor R. Machan
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 It was a very mild, pleasant Sunday afternoon and my older daughter and I were spending a couple of hours walking about in her New York City East Village neighborhood. After a bite of lunch we took in some of the shops, not so much to spend the required $20 I heard everyone is likely to part with once leaving home in this part of the world but to do what I like to call museum cruising. Yes, even when I have no interest in shopping, I do enjoy checking out all the goodies offered for sale in the hundreds of places that feature thousands of items that come from the commercial motives of people. Not just commercial motives, of course. A goodly portion of what's for sale is probably born out of a sense of creativity, with the idea of selling following as more of an afterthought. Like all those paintings and sculptures in Soho. Or the jewelry on display in the umpteen boutiques. (Read more...)
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April 21, 2008
Objective, Subjective, Intrinsic
by Joseph Rowlands
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There are three major views of the nature of values. The first two, subjective and intrinsic, are often seen as a dichotomy. Objectivism accepts an objective view of values. (Read more...)
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April 16, 2008
What Are Taxes?
by Tibor R. Machan
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In the April 15th edition of The New York Times Richard Conniff suggests that what the government collects from us each year on or about this date be called "dues" instead of "taxes" ("Abolish All 'Taxes'"). As he puts it, "we need language to remind us that this is our government, and that we thrive because of the schools and transit systems and 10,000 other services that exist only because we have joined together."   (Read more...)
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April 14, 2008
Intellectual Ammunition
A New Discipline
by Fred Seddon
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I have been president of the West Virginia Philosophical Society since 1988 and there have been many first during my tenure, but this one may be the most important. It is not everyday that one hears about a new discipline, but at the Spring Meeting held on Mar. 28-29 in Wheeling, WV, Professor Ted Drange, one of my fa... (Read more...)
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April 11, 2008
Welfare Corrupts
by Tibor R. Machan
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 Before anything else it needs to be noted that most of the welfare recipients are not unwed mothers but people doing business as major corporations. They receive subsidies, bailouts, protection from competition and so forth, all undeserved, all unjust, all lacking any legitimacy in a genuine free country. American firms, as thousands of others around the globe, have managed to persuade politicians to provide them with benefits at the expense of people who haven’t consented to any of the takings that provide the funds that make all this possible. (Read more...)
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April 9, 2008
by Rudyard Kipling
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In honor of hearing that we are paying off the insugents in Iraq so they won't blow us up I am posting this poem by Kipling. Mark it well. (Read more...)
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April 7, 2008
War for Men's Minds
"West of the Wall" -- May It Rise Again
by Rodney Rawlings
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The almost-forgotten 1962 record “West of the Wall” by Toni Fisher was intended by the songwriter as a denunciation of the barrier separating West from East Berlin and East Germany. Though it reached moderate success on some charts, there are indications that moral cowardice and ideological factors held the song back. (For example, the record’s performance in the United States was among the lowest, it did not make the charts at all in Britain, and a German release was halted.) The song is still relevant to our time, and deserves to be revived in whatever form possible.
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April 4, 2008
Intellectual Products and the Right to Private Property
by Tibor R. Machan
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Over the years there has been a debate among supporters of the free market concerning whether so called intellectual property is something to which one may have a private property right.  One central element of the case, as advanced by some, is that because intellectual property is intangible, and tangibility makes wha... (Read more...)
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April 2, 2008
The Audacity of Profit
by Merlin Jetton
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 I recently read an article from the American Medical Association, which is here. http://www.ama-assn.org/ama1/pub/upload/mm/368/compstudy_52006.pdf. It is an assessment of competition in health insurance. Pages 1 and 2 are a relentless finger-pointing at large market shares and mergers and acquisitions in health insur... (Read more...)
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March 31, 2008
"Hope's Hose"
by Walter Donway
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An earnest American questioning a leading Democratic candidate for President gets more than he bargained for. (Read more...)
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March 27, 2008
Taxation Again
by Tibor R. Machan
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Instead of all the mud slinging between Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama, wouldn’t it be refreshing to have them engage in some serious political discussion? Since April 15 is nearly upon us, many American citizens might appreciate some in-depth exploration of the nature of taxation. The federal income tax, in particular, would deserve thoughtful examination. Senator John McCain could also enter the fray, me thinks. (Read more...)
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March 24, 2008
What does the success of science involve?
by Ed Thompson
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In a Wiki-entry entitled Scientific Realism, the question that is the title to this piece was posed somewhat rhetorically. This essay offers an answer to this question. (Read more...)
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March 20, 2008
Too Much Love for Royalty
by Tibor R. Machan
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Every time I encounter admiring references to royalty in America I cringe. (Read more...)
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March 17, 2008
Religious Faith Fails Its Followers
by Roger Smith
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Each of the three Abrahamic God-based religious faiths -- Judaism, Christianity, and Islam -- at the most basic level acts as a rallying point, a power grouping. Historically, it was all about rallying tribes and whole regions of the Middle East around a book and having them declare faith in the teachings found therein; strength from unity. A whole population being all of one mind, united, results in a powerful force -- and those who direct and control this power benefit by becoming powerful, too. (Read more...)
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March 13, 2008
Why don’t they get it?
by Tibor R. Machan
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No matter how many politicians proceed to act self-destructively, engage in corruption, violate elementary principles of civilized conduct as New York governor Eliot Spitzer had done, the idea that they can be elected to office to take care of us, to handle the bulk of our problems, may be trusted with our income to spend it wisely and virtuously remains nearly immune to criticism. They keep promising to handle everything we find troubling in our lives and the majority of Americans--not to mention others around the globe--continue with their governmental habit, as if they still lived in an absolute monarchy where the king or queen are taken to be God’s agents and are expected to be "keepers of the realm." That famous legal doctrine of the police power is still part of our system, according to which government may impose its will on us for our own good, just as if the myth of its benevolence had not be disproved a thousand times over and over again. (Read more...)
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