
Rebirth of Reason

Articles Listed by Date

December 26, 2003
Unjust Blaming in Focus
by Tibor R. Machan
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Recently I reflected how so many people hate corporations. (Read more...)
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December 25, 2003
Christmas Demystified
by G. Stolyarov II
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A poem. (Read more...)
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December 24, 2003
Singing SOLO, Three Years On
by Lindsay Perigo
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Around this time three years ago, SOLO was born. (Read more...)
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December 23, 2003
War for Men's Minds
False Dichotomies
by Joseph Rowlands
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In studying the ideas of Objectivism, it's hard not to notice how often the term 'dichotomy' comes up. (Read more...)
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December 22, 2003
Ayn Rand, Objectivism, and Religion (Part 3 of 4)
by Neil Parille
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"RELIGION AND ITS ROLE IN HISTORY" and the first part of "WHAT IS WRONG WITH RELIGION?" (Read more...)
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December 19, 2003
Some Views About Americans
by Tibor R. Machan
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When one has contrarian views, it is not always easy to enjoy oneself. I often sit through movies with much to offer, only to find that characters unhesitatingly denounce something I value, such as capitalism, business, or some great feature of American culture. The same fate faces me when I pick up a best selling novel, even of the genres that are something of a steady diet for me, crime, court room and spy novels. (Read more...)
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December 18, 2003
CommentaryThe Free Radical
Virgin on Disaster - A Brush with Eco-Tourism
by Bernard Darnton
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Our driver (also our cook), his kitchen-hand, and the petrol station attendant were all crouched in a pool of petrol, poking and pointing up behind the back wheel arch of our Isuzu four-wheel drive. The aim was to discover why we had flooded the station forecourt while trying to fill the tank. (Read more...)
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December 17, 2003
War for Men's Minds
Why They Fear Us
by Henry Emrich
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One of the most vexing problems that I have encountered in my experiences with Objectivism, is the fact that many people seem deathly afraid of our viewpoint – even people with whom we should have most in common. (Read more...)
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December 16, 2003
CommentaryThe Free Radical
Editorial - This & That
by Lindsay Perigo
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There are lots of things I want to say this issue, so rather than editorialise on a single theme, I shall regale you, dear reader, with tidbits. (Read more...)
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December 15, 2003
Ayn Rand, Objectivism, and Religion (Part 2 of 4)
by Neil Parille
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The rest of the "ATHEISM, RELIGION, AND MYSTICISM" section. (Read more...)
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December 12, 2003
Let's Say No to Fatalism
by Tibor R. Machan
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Jim Pinkerton, who if memory serves me right, used to be a speechwriter in the Reagan White House, now writes columns and one of his recent missives tells us that American conservatism is in almost total shambles. (Read more...)
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December 11, 2003
ObjectivismThe Free Radical
The Ethics - Politics Connection
by Joseph Rowlands
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Objectivists hold that politics is grounded in ethics. Even in non-Objectivist thought, every political theory is based on some ethical premises. The welfare state is dependent on egalitarianism and the static view of life. Communism is dependent on altruism, collectivism, and materialism. And of course, Objectivist politics is grounded in Objectivist ethics. (Read more...)
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December 10, 2003
War for Men's Minds
Coalition: the Problems, and the Promise
by Henry Emrich
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During a recent search on the Internet for Objectivist (and Libertarian) sources, I realized something that is actually quite discouraging: there are vast numbers of sites dedicated to our basic values, but differing on peripheral ones. (Read more...)
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December 9, 2003
War for Men's Minds
Conservatives and the Fallacy of Majority Rule
by Jerry Bordelon
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There is a war being waged against individual freedom today on a very strong front. However I'm not going to talk about the attack by the liberals in this article. Today I will focus on the increasing attacks on the individual by the conservatives. (Read more...)
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December 8, 2003
Ayn Rand, Objectivism, and Religion (Part 1 of 4)
by Neil Parille
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A 4-part paper that discusses Ayn Rand's view of religion. (Read more...)
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December 5, 2003
Eternal Vigilance
by Tibor R. Machan
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Champions of individual liberty can never rest because there are simply too many people who would much rather conscript others for their own purposes than do what they believe needs to be done themselves - or at least recruit volunteers to help them. No, instead the bulk of humanity is bent on coercing others to work for them, regardless what the goal happens to be, good or bad. (Read more...)
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December 4, 2003
The Good Life
Schools and Values ... with Acknowledgements to Ayn Rand
by Lindsay Perigo
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The Hon. Lindsay Perigo, host of the Politically Incorrect Show, has been appointed Minister of Education at gunpoint, & made to produce a list of values for state schools to promote, since it has become clear that no one else has a clue. Here is what he has come up with: (Read more...)
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December 3, 2003
Blair in Galt's Gulch
by David Bertelsen
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Despite it all, and despite myself, I just can't help liking the guy. (Read more...)
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December 2, 2003
The Professionalization of Ayn Rand Scholarship
by Chris Matthew Sciabarra
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Having recently celebrated the completion of four years of publication for The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (see my Free Radical article on the subject), I was asked on a discussion group about the presence of Ayn Rand in other professional, scholarly journals. (Read more...)
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December 1, 2003
Liberty in Exile
by G. Stolyarov II
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An allegorical poem concerning the deterioration of freedom in American society, which has been exacerbated by the recent government expansion of Medicare. (Read more...)
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November 28, 2003
Sense of Life
Meanings of Christmas Revisited
by Tibor R. Machan
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Sometimes one ought to repeat a point, even over and over again, since it is important enough to call attention to it often. Given that many people, celebrities with lots of exposure in the media, manage to repeat idiotic points, I have resolved to refute them repeatedly. (Read more...)
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November 26, 2003
Ask IOP: Mixed Economy
by Jeff Landauer
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What are some advantages of a mixed economy? (Read more...)
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November 25, 2003
Unrugged Individualism Reviewed
by Joseph Rowlands
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David Kelley wrote Unrugged Individualism to be "the first comprehensive Objectivist analysis of benevolence". In this short monograph (59 pages), he makes an excellent start. (Read more...)
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November 24, 2003
Sense of Life
All Blacked Out
by Ross Elliot
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As we all know, rugby is a significant Sense of Life issue. If you don't know this, go to the back of the class, be quiet and pay attention. (Read more...)
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November 21, 2003
The Evil of Forced Volunteerism
by G. Stolyarov II
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The schools of the Dewey system and leftist bureaucrats in Washington have recently allied for the promotion of mandatory youth groups similar to the Pioneers of the former Soviet Union and the Spies of Mr. Orwell's dystopia. (Read more...)
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