All right, I will be the first to venture in here and make comment on the art everyone else seems to want to chat about the safer issues like gay marriage and foreign affairs.
It looks as though this particular artist is trying to churn out one too many quick art pieces at this point. I do like a one of his pieces: The soldiers superimposed on the constitution for example are a rather powerful image. But the last two pieces that have been placed up here to view, “Air Force and Bald Eagle” and the recent “Atlas Does Not Shrug” are beginning to look like recycled art. This occurs with graphic artists who can save and make use of the same pictures over and over again like a painter makes use of colors. But in this case it’s weakening his works effect no matter how embellishing the paragraph explaining it maybe. The artist is obviously talented but he needs to get away from making the same picture in different ways and widen his symbolic scope like he did with “The Role of Government.”
Eric J. Tower