| | I've stumbled across this article a few times, and have enjoyed reading it time and again.
As David remarked, it is right on the money.
The expression "to give back" is based on a mistaken (or deceptive)idea of how wealth is earned (or how achievement is won). The idea being that wealth is merely given, not earned, and that those who have been "given" the most must return a portion of what they have been "given".
This is incorrect because people trade with one another. And beyond the initial transaction (or contractual obligations), nothing else is owed to anyone.
As for the "responsibility to help the less fortunate", I take issue (as do many others) with the idea that achievement is based mainly, or solely, on luck. It is highly unlikely that random chance alone propelled millionaires and professional athletes to their high positions.
It would be more likely that chance played a role, but a bigger role was played by that person who achieved such a high status.