| | Hello Kyle,
From my article, it should be clear that both have problems. There is no clear winner. However, if I had to choose between them, I think the "letter of the law" would be better.
The reason is that the letter of the law preserves the "rule of law" vs. "the rule of men". When you go by what's written, you have some objective criteria to fall back on. You're not subject to the whims of a judge or the government. At least, the whims are restricted.
The spirit of the law, though, can be interpreted to mean anything. You leave the decision making entirely in the hands of others, giving them absolute control over your life.
The letter of the law creates bad laws that will create injustices. But the injustices will be limited in scope, and future laws will hopefully try to reduce those injustices. The greatest injustices, though, come from other people with massive power and no responsibility. Giving a judge the power to interpret the spirit of the law gives him power over your life, with no defense against it.
Both have their negative sides, but I personally think the spirit of the law allows for the greatest injustices.