| | Ed, nice article. I agree about the compatibility of Objectivism and Austrian economics. Certainly if you take Menger's work, the parallel is difficult to dispute. Mises' Human Action didn't provide anything like Menger's discussion of value, which is an excellent place to start.
But I think Mises makes an excellent case for his own subjective value theory. It doesn't matter what values someone seeks, praxeology explains the outcomes of those values choices. Do you have an opinion on this topic?
Dave and Neil,
Personally, I don't think Ayn Rand's Marginalia is worth reading. She does a line by line rebuttal of parts of Human Action (and other books), and it gives you the impression she thought it was all crap, when in fact she recommended it. Line by line rebuttals are like nit-picking. If you can't take a step back and see the major thesis of a work, the individual critiques mean little. If you want to know what Rand was thinking while reading something, jump right into it. But I don't think it's useful in understanding Austrian economics at all. I think it says more about her opinion on his choice of words then on her opinion of his ideas.
It's like if someone said to an Objectivist "screw morality...I want to do what makes my life better". You might criticize his words, and some tangential implications of them, but that's different from saying he's wrong.
If you want to learn more about the Austrian school, I suggest reading Menger's Principles of Economics, which is a great introduction, and you can see exactly what Ed's article is referring to. Pretty easy read, if I remember right.