
Rebirth of Reason

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Wednesday, January 21, 2004 - 2:19amSanction this postReply
Extraordinary story! Thanks, Joe! And thanks to whoever took Joe under his/her wing & nurtured him. (I *know* it wasn't me - I'm more of a "flog-the-lefties" type myself.) As far as keeping SOLO the way it is goes - the essence of it is captured in its various "founding documents" that we'll gather together in our next monograph. It's also captured in the (mostly!) sunny spirit of those who participate here. Of course, folk get their dander up from time to time, & we do get our share of trolls here on the open forum, but there's always sanctuary on the closed Yahoo one! And there's so much to look forward to - see my article a couple of weeks back, Singing SOLO, Three Years On. As I said there, we've created the sunlit garden ... & we shall be sure to tend it.

Post 1

Wednesday, January 21, 2004 - 6:22amSanction this postReply
Good article! I have to just chime in here, and tell you that what you're saying in the article is very parallel to what I experienced myself.
I'd always had a little too perceptive of a mind for the teachers' taste, at school. At age ten, I was already being screwed around by the "public" (IE, GOVERNMENT-ENFORCED) 'education' system, and had seen what it REALLY does, firsthand. My two favorite books were "Anthem" and 1984 (By Orwell.) I spent most of my school years asking the "wrong" questions (like "how can we reconcile the notion of Individual Freedom, with the idea of enforced ideological controls such as 'hate-crime legislation?") I had big problems with the entire Leftist 'spectrum" of ideologies, but coudln't bring myself to become a "rightist" because the Republicans (who I thought were pretty much the only way to go, other than the Democrats) had huge contradictions of their own, and insisted on a religious-belief system which I couldn't believe in, no matter how I tried.
(I guess I read the bible a little too well for the Fundies' tastes.)

Anyway, long story short, I blundered around for years, refining my own thought-processes (brief 'militia-movement' sympathizer period, which has not totally faded, despite some very stupid actions on the part of the Militias.)
However, upon finding Objectivism (through ARI, naturally), I rapidly tired of their inconsistencies, rabid, dogmatic "closed system" rhetoric, and altogether too-close resemblance to the fundamentalist Christian insanity I'd been exposed to in my early youth.
Well, all I can say is....welcome! It's good to see more people come "on board". Objectivism has much to offer as a philosophy. (To be sure, it's helped me out considerably.)

Anyway, just wanted to let you know that (cliche as this sounds), your experiences aren't as unique as you might believe. It DID seem to me as if I was the only one, too.

Post 2

Wednesday, January 21, 2004 - 10:36amSanction this postReply

Great article! It was simultaneously: decisively purposeful, of pivotal relevance, productively illuminating, and intellectually exacting!

My grateful response to your article is somewhat ironic (though not absurd!) as I have found myself "reacting" to someone in a manner that may be seen as less-than-exemplary (a manner which is not characteristic of me).

On this note, I would like to add a qualification to your general advice (which may be interpretted as "benevolence at any price"): benevolence at first is a great rule, but tit-for-tat modification - as well as outright confrontation if it seems wise or can be done with a modicum of equanimity - should not be made obsolete (ie. unlimited pacifism).

To recap: I adore what you said and why I think you felt it needed to be said (to maximize probable beneficence). Thanks, Joe.

Post 3

Wednesday, January 21, 2004 - 11:12amSanction this postReply
Thank you for this reminder to be compassionate. It's one thing I should work on. I apologize to anyone I may have been abrasive to.

Post 4

Wednesday, January 21, 2004 - 12:43pmSanction this postReply
Quote: "Thank you for this reminder to be compassionate. It's one thing I should work on. I apologize to anyone I may have been abrasive to."

Francois, I can only speak for myself, but it's part of your charm...

The world needs people who tell it like it is.

Post 5

Thursday, August 25, 2011 - 5:09pmSanction this postReply
This came up as a random article. I like hearing about these stories.


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