| | Hi Robert,
Your post was not really addressed to me, because I do not "oppose" homosexuality. I do not oppose those who chose to throw their money away on gambling, or destroy their health and life with drugs, or even produce a string of kids by every woman on the block (if they would only support them), either. I do recognize that these are all self-destructive behaviors, and advise those interested to avoid them, for their own sake.
lets assume, for the sake of argument, that no one is born gay. fine. let us also assume they can become straight if they want.
next question: why bother? If this is really the question you mean to ask, ... assume they can become straight if they want. ...why bother? The answer is, if they want and they can, it is in their own best interest to do it.
The assumption I think you are really making is that they will not want to, and why should they change, even if they can, in that case. In that case, there is no reason. I have no advice for them.
Now this is the question you are really getting at: Can you name any essential of homosexuality which rationally, egoistically, makes it wrong or self destructive in and of itself? Of course. In fact that is the whole point. Remember, your other premise is: for the sake of argument, ... no one is born gay. That means, homosexuality is chosen, not imposed on those who choose homosexual practices.
I believe that human beings have a specific nature and that nature includes both the psychological and physiological. Both aspects are by nature meant to be in harmony and work together for the survival and benefit of the human as a living organism. They are all we have to work with, we better use them according to the requirements of their nature.
It is obvious that human beings are sexual beings. Not all creatures are. Some are asexual, for example. Physiologically, we are designed to have sex with someone of the opposite sex. That is what a sexual creature is. This is very difficult to be mistaken about (though some apparently are).
In my post #39 I explained that human beings are not born with either specific desires or knowledge of how to satisfy those desires. They are all learned, developed, and chosen. In the process of developing our desires and behavior, to be successful as human beings, these must conform to the requirements of our nature, both psychological and physiological.
Obviously, many people choose behavior contrary to the requirements of their nature. For example, a common problem for young women today is "cutting." They cut themselves to satisfy some perceived desire of need. The behavior is obviously contrary to the requirements of their nature, and while seldom life-threatening, nevertheless does them great harm, both physically and psychologically. Every organ has a specific nature and purpose. The skin is not made for intentional cutting.
With regard to sex, almost as soon as one understands their specific nature, as a male or female, their thinking and actions begin to develop the behavior and desires appropriate to their sex and the use of their organs with someone of the complementary sex. For any number of reasons, some people do not develop desires fitting their physiological nature, at first, and for a while are confused by conflicting feelings. At that stage, most make the explicit decision, based on what they know they are, either a male or female, realizing that desires conflicting with what is obviously their nature, are contradictory. For them, the conflicting desires quickly fade, and those desires consistent with their nature are reinforced.
Not all make that decision. Instead of making their choice of development based on their best rational judgement, they surrender to their to their irrational desires, and from that moment on, all their thinking rationalizes that choice and all their actions reinforces the irrational desires. They can never escape the fact, however, that what they have chosen is a fundamental contradiction, a disintegration expressed as desires obviously in conflict with their physiological nature. While the homosexual frequently argues that it would be wrong for them to, "suppress," his desires, their entire lifestyle suppresses what is obvious even to them, what they do is directly opposite what their body's nature is meant for them to do. (I do not mean any particular sexual practice, I mean a man with a man, or a woman with a woman, whatever it is they actually do.)
The greatest harm of homosexuality is psychological. I makes one's whole life a contradiction, and requires a compartmentalization, a disintegration of one's psychology, to keep the contradiction from intruding on other aspects of one's consciousness.
Nevertheless, there are also physiological consequences of the actual practices of homosexuals as well, because they are contrary to the physiological nature. Those consequences have nothing to do with STDs but the design of the organs used in a way that is contrary to their nature.