| | Greetings, and thank you, all, for your high appraisal of my work.
To receive it from men of your intellectual caliber and rigorous criteria of judgment is an honor indeed.
Alas, I have been recently caught in a whirlwind of various projects, both within and outside the realm of filosofical activism! This explains the delay in some of my responses. With the swift passage of time, reality seems to offer newer and newer ideas to pursue, and I wish I could engage myself in each one with greater thoroughness. The campaign against the draft has continued, with remarkable progress. I have posted this letter on numerous online forums of a general political orientation; you can see a list of the ones I used at http://www.geocities.com/rationalargumentator/forums.html. I have decided that, in order to win this absolutely critical battle, I must take it into the territory of the "mainstream" culture. Some of the forums used have virtually NO traffic, but others have a considerable volume of it, and have had ample responses, all of which I intend to tackle in the future.
I encourage all of you to examine some of these forums and post comments and essays there; most have management tolerant enough to permit this WITHOUT moderation or intervention. They are certainly a viable means of publicizing this cause, and others in the future! But be prepared to encounter opposition of a sort that Rand probably experienced only in her worst nightmares. Some of the posters have responded with blatant Hobbesian collectivism and blind authority-worship! (Yet there are allies as well, and articulate ones.)
I have received two contributions of articles to the campaign, from Robert Olson and Dave Schroeder. Both writers, though not explicit Objectivists, bring forth compelling facts that reinforce the case against conscription and reveal who precisely is advocating it. You can find all of the recent works gathered by TRA in opposition to the draft at http://www.geocities.com/rationalargumentator/index22.html.
I will present further updates as the need arises.
I am G. Stolyarov II