| | My desert island Lanza song; the one I turn to when I need support to go on. I don't mean when I could use help, but when I need to find a reason to get out of bed or face a crisis. It always brings me to tears and fills me with hope at the same time. Friends will say something like, "But you don't believe in God", and my only answer is, "just listen." There are two lines that completely destroy me: "my humble plea" breaks my heart with its sincerity, and the final "while I walk with God" is truly uplifting in its power and beauty. Most songs you sit and listen. This one, you stand before like a soldier, just as the character of the "Student Prince" does in the movie. Chris, your review is beautiful, and this discussion of "I'll Walk with God" is the final answer to the sometimes very lonely 10 year old boy who first heard this and turned to share it, only to discover no one else heard it as I did. "Am I the only one who hears this?", I would think to myself. With particular thanks to you, Derek, Lindsay, and Barbara, I now know that I am not.