| | Jennifer, Jason, and Ethan,
Thank you! This is exactly the response and welcome I don't believe I deserve, yet secretly hoped for. You're right as well, I am afraid I am not joking. Your forum has its share of hecklers as I've seen, and I understand your trepidation. You will have to forgive me; my recent enlightenment, while fantastically invigorating, has left me extremely lonely. To find such a culture of like-minded confidants as this therefore tends to propel my enthusiasm to seemingly implausible proportions.
Your comments are very kind and I will take your suggestions to heart. Despite my fears of 'getting it wrong' I will accept the responsibility of my education as mine to bear, and the goal of achieving your level of confidence as mine to embrace and one day enjoy.
Linz, I must apologize for the arrogant prig bit. That was a by-product of my dry humor and not appropriate among strangers. Many of your writings have been a great source of guidance for me, and I have come to view you as somewhat of a mentor. The assumed intimacy was my faux pas.
And Oh, to be considered a soulmate! The very notion ignites within me a happiness I couldn't begin to describe! But I can not even come close to such an honor. While my newfound convictions are right and true, my actions betray an inconsistency and hypocrisy of values that plague me daily despite knowing better... I'd better explain that.
It wasn't Atlas Shrugged that awoken me, but The Fountainhead. It hit home for me personally because a childhood dream of mine was to become an architect; a dream long supplanted by my mature, adult duty and resolution to become an evangelical missionary. I see now such a life path would have ended in misery and disaster; a hollow disciple for a god I gave up long ago.
My recent uprooting has left me dependent on my parents again, whom are behaving consistent with those that believe their son is going to hell. Also I've acquired a food service job to subsist, which surrounds me with the opposite end of the American value spectrum; nihilists believing their sum of existence as the avoidance of pain, with any pleasure being some type of reality-escaping drug.
I've applied to 21 architecture programs across the country for the fall, and long for the day when I move out and move forward. But at the present I find myself lying and cheating a great deal to keep my associations amiable and pacified, causing me understandable guilt and shame. But I am sure for the first time in my life that I am on the right path, and this give me tremendous joy and confidence by contrast.
As you can well read, my sin of solipsism is appalling and I am ravenous for encouragement and approval in these tough times. Like a sponge I soak in every Objectivist thought and idea I find, but I lack solidity. I wonder, as I slowly apply critical thinking (something of which I am far out of practice,) how many other visitors to this site are in a similar boat, but lack the courage to ask for help?
I belive I've hijacked this thread for long enough. :)