
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 20

Sunday, August 21, 2005 - 5:35pmSanction this postReply

While I sympathize with Adam's criticism of occasional postings that appear to have been written with less than total honesty and forthrightness, his emphasis on  motives is disconcerting. Clearly, one ought to engage in intellectual debate for the purpose of clarifying and defending truth. However, to brand another as a "Troll", as characteristically dishonorable in discussion, strikes me as reckless and irresponsible. Reckless because one can easily be mistaken about the motives of another; people love to disparage the motives of those with whom they strongly disagree. Irresponsible because the motives that inspire one to make an argument that another dislikes are ultimately not relevant: all that really matters is the insight or error an argument might contain. To summarize, rational argumentation ought not be about the other person, but rather about the ideas in question.

I see plenty of rudeness on this site: name calling, obscenities, and all manner of psychologizing. None of which has intellectual merit or the power of persuasion.

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Post 21

Sunday, August 21, 2005 - 5:36pmSanction this postReply
This issue reminded me of Nathaniel Branden wrote in the Intellectual Ammunition Department of The Objectivist Newsletter.

 Since the possible forms of evasion, subterfuge and willful irrationality are virtually unlimited, there is no way to formulate a general rule that will guide one infallibly in recognizing them.  But some of the more obvious signs of intellectual dishonesty include: refusing to answer specific questions or arguments, persistently running off to irrelevancies at crucial points in the discussion; appeals to authority...; impugning the motives or intelligence of the opponent.  Whenever one encounters this kind of attitude, one may know that one is not dealing with a person whose primary concern is the truth or falsehood of ideas.

I thought this was succinctly put.

(Edited by Jody Allen Gomez on 8/21, 7:19pm)

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Post 22

Sunday, August 21, 2005 - 7:44pmSanction this postReply
I'm only going to do this once. My supposed fibbing is about the primacy of consciousness horseshit that Daniel Barnes constantly and consistently advocates (when you can pin him down), but denies that he does - calling it "non-physical existence" and "abstractions."

The following is a quote from the horse-shitter's mouth I happened on here by accident right after the smarm swamped and flooded our last exchange - where I actually tried to be civil, but my horseshit level went through the roof.
We can, very crudely, stand back and see 3 competing types of "primacy" theories, which we can roughly summarise as follows:

1) "Primacy of physical existence" theories. That is, there is a physical world out there of trees, rocks, food and Bon Jovi records which we cannot avoid or wish away. Held by: Rand, Popper, many other philosophers, many human beings.

2) "Primacy of consciousness" theories. There is no actual physical world, merely our perceptions of it. Held by, oh, solipsists, radical subjectivists, Berkeley I suppose, and a few others, and very few non-philosophers.

3) "Primacy of non-physical existence". There are abstract, eternal things that precede the physical world, and the physical world is a mere imitation of. Held by: Plato, natch, and most world religions.

Of course, most thinkers fall in between and round about these categories rather than firmly in them. But what's interesting to me is not how true or false they are, but that they seem to be attempts that date from very ancient times to describe *distinctly different types of human experience*, to explain them, and to put them in some kind of cosmological order.

In parallel with this attempt at ordering, there is a natural tendency towards *reduction*: to try to reduce all 3 to two, or to one, and while but this reductionist approach has taught us a lot on the way, it hass not met with anything like final success to my mind. These categories stubbornly, and roughly, refuse to submit, creating problems for the reductionist from whichever way she should approach it. The reductionist usually resorts to solutions that are either *verbalist* - playing with words to make it look as tho the reduction has been successfully achieved - or simply cheerfully ignoring that type of experience which does not fit the reductionist's particular starting point.

This leads, I think to much wasted time trying to pretend that the physical world doesn't really exist, or that consciousness doesn't exist, or that abstractions don't exist etc etc etc.

My attitude is: *all three* of these types of experiences seem to be real, and there are good arguments that suggest they are not illusions of one sort or another. And if it don't fit, don't force it.
Let's hit that third one again. "There are abstract, eternal things that precede the physical world, and the physical world is a mere imitation of."

Mere imitation of?

Then this: "My attitude is: *all three* of these types of experiences seem to be real..."

At least horseshit exists and stinks on its own in my world.

If this third alternative runs to the logical conclusion, it becomes primacy-of-consciousness (the denial of which is present in the horse-shitter's preempted attempt to label such logic as "reductionism.")

These "abstract eternal things" that the "physical world is a mere imitation of" have a name - a single one. They are called God, the mother of all consciousnesses - in practically all cultures during all of human history. Scratch the proposition enough and that is where it always goes.

When "non-physical existents" are proposed as being many things, not merely one, they are still advocated as ruling physical existence in the form of abstractions - or "impacting" on physical existence or "interacting" with it ("impact" and "interact" always meaning "control" in the end). They are always superior. In this particular horse-shitter's case, they are "eternal." (A brain that contains them, for instance, is not.) That is their superiority. Many gods in this case, not one God.

There is only one entity that can abstract, however. A consciousness. Period. That's where it leads to, folks. One can go ring-around-the-rosie in a smarmy horseshit hoedown all day long, but you always end up there. Primacy-of-one-consciousness-or-another.

All this gets dressed up in "ists" and "isms" and name-dropping and intellectual babble to look like something else. A festival of sarcasm and smarm is laid on thick. But all it ever will be is primacy-of-consciousness in the horseshit flavor. Abstracts without consciousness do not exist. A consciousness without a physical brain does not exist. Whoever claims these things is advocating primacy-of-consciousness.

There is another catch. In the end, you have to accept it all on faith, with the "all-or-nothing" alternative proposed being "determinism" or whatever other flavor is being argued at the moment. (There was even a silly presumption in that previous exchange that I was ignorant of such a basic religious doctrine as determinism, which is another kind of shit dressed up to look like philosophy in this case - you just have to do a logical chain to get there).

Faith it is in the end, though. Faith it always will be in order to accept "non-physical existence." That is also denied with oodles of smarm. I just don't have the patience any longer to wade through even more horseshit to show where the faith is hidden. (Here's a hint: you can't get there through the five senses and forming percepts.)

As I said. This type of explanation regarding this particular horse-shitter will only happen once. I am not a liar and I refuse to interact with assholes who call me one.

Fucking trolls.


PS - My sincere apology to horses. They deserve better.
(Edited by Michael Stuart Kelly on 8/21, 8:53pm)

(Edited by Michael Stuart Kelly on 8/21, 9:03pm)

Post 23

Sunday, August 21, 2005 - 8:11pmSanction this postReply


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Post 24

Sunday, August 21, 2005 - 8:37pmSanction this postReply
>Fucking trolls.

To which can only be responded: "Damn illiterates!"

The man seems unable to read, or interpret English sensibly. (Clue: I am, as MSK well knows, a Popperian. Reading my post, which compares various "primacy" theories throughout the ages, which one do you think I would subscribe to?).

Doh! How hopeless - or desperately dishonest - can you get? His tortured logic is such that shortly I expect he'll say that I must subscribe to "primacy of consciousness" due to the fact that Chewbacca lives on Endor.

But what more can you expect from such a great ninny? Check it out: he even has yet to learn that it is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt:

>MSK:There was even a silly presumption in that previous exchange that I was ignorant of such a basic religious doctrine as determinism...

All doubt is now officially removed. Honestly, I could not make this priceless clowning up even if I wanted to. Every one is a gem!

Someone - anyone - *please* fill this poor pseud in before he digs himself any deeper. And then, so advised, perhaps he then could somehow restrain himself if he should in future "accidentally" stumble across my posts.

- Daniel

(Edited by Daniel Barnes
on 8/21, 8:42pm)

Post 25

Sunday, August 21, 2005 - 9:57pmSanction this postReply
Daniel Barnes,

Popperian? That's such a horrible metaphysical position. Why on earth would you think that there are 3 worlds? What evidence do you have that supports #2 or #3? Oh, right, #2 and #3 are beyond the senses. Beyond reality too... into non-reality. But what do you care? Do you not differentiate between false and true when adding ideas to your brain? How can you stand considering baseless ideas as true?

What have you gained by basing your ideas on #2 and #3 being true? Nothing I presume... nothing.

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Post 26

Sunday, August 21, 2005 - 9:57pmSanction this postReply
I'm sorry, I just have to take this opportunity to post a screen capture from one of the best movie genres ever conceived: *The 80s puppet flick!*

From "Labyrinth," our troll friend Hoggle ponders the abyss:

Thanks for an entertaining and insightful article, Adam.

Post 27

Sunday, August 21, 2005 - 10:13pmSanction this postReply
Dean writes
>Popperian? That's such a horrible metaphysical position.

Y'reckon? I reckon it *rules*. But, hey, happy to debate it with you anytime.

But one thing's for sure: it ain't a 'primacy of consciousness' one.

- Daniel

Post 28

Sunday, August 21, 2005 - 2:56pmSanction this postReply
Does the troll see himself in the mirror?

Adam Reed tells us that "the surest sign that one is dealing with a missionary troll is that he is totally evidence-proof and never changes his mind."

Is there a better description of Adam Reed on the subject of free-market anarchism versus the childish fantasy of the "limited State"?

And, just out of idle curiosity, if Robert Davison is a "troll," how did he get so many Atlas points?  It seems people hereabouts have been not only "feeding" him, but also rewarding him for what they seem to see as the value of his contributions to various discussions.  Personally, I don't like most of his posts any better than Adam does, but it seems clear that what the man has to say resonates with a substantial number of those reading this list.


Post 29

Sunday, August 21, 2005 - 10:50pmSanction this postReply
Jeff R, you wrote:
Does the troll see himself in the mirror?

I admit that I am taking it completely out of context. I just applied it to all trolls. Just like vampires, I guess they have no reflection either.

Funny as hell, to tell you the truth. The symbolism and metaphors are doing somersaults in my mind. And I can't stop laughing.

Have you ever thought of going into show-business?


Post 30

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 12:18amSanction this postReply
MSK: “(There was even a silly presumption in that previous exchange that I was ignorant of such a basic religious doctrine as determinism...”
Remind us again, Michael -- which religion counts “determinism” as one of its doctrines?


Post 31

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 12:30amSanction this postReply
*cough* Calvinism *cough*

Post 32

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 2:56amSanction this postReply
Andrew: “*cough* Calvinism *cough*”

I think the term you’re referring to is “predestination”, which is sometimes seen as a kind of religious determinism, but is in fact quite different from philosophical determinism. The latter  is not a religious doctrine.


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Post 33

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 5:35amSanction this postReply

Same horseshit in essentials. Dressed up differently for philosophy. What doesn't change is the smell. (Like "ghost" or "spirit" in religion being called "abstract" or "non-physical existent" in horseshit tongue.) I am not going to argue about this here.

(light going off)

Eureka! I have it! Insight!

What do trolls eat? I mean, we are the ones who feed them, right?

Trolls eat horseshit.

And if you give them something different, they mix it with horseshit so it will go down.

Adam, hats off. You are absolutely correct. Don't feed trolls (unless you happen to like horseshit).


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Post 34

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 6:10amSanction this postReply
They sure do make a mess when they eat that stuff too.   Trolls have lousy manners and leave horseshit all over the place.  Watch where you step.

Just wondering.... it seems that most everyone is in full agreement that grammarian is a troll.  Why has he not been shown the door?

Post 35

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 6:40amSanction this postReply

 Y'reckon? I reckon it *rules*. But, hey, happy to debate it with you anytime.

It looks as if Dean asked you some specific questions about Popperian philosophy.  I dont know what kind of debate you wish to have, but I think answering his criticisms would be a big start.

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Post 36

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 7:09amSanction this postReply
Bravo, Robert D.

It would be good to remember that all this troll crap about has to do with Darwinism and intelligent design.  For the life of me, I know of nothing in Objectivism that mandates adherence to the Darwinist hypothesis for evolution (even though I put myself in the Darwinist camp).  When both are reduced to a falsifiable statement, it comes down to these hypotheses:  Life evolved from non-life vs. certain components of living organisms are irreducibly complex.  Verifying the truth of one or the other of these hypotheses is a matter of science.

Objectivism precludes neither hypothesis because of the current absence of definitive evidence for either.  It does however preclude both the materialism some atheists want to hang on Darwinism and the creationism some theists want to hang on ID.  The fact that many people have a priori stakes in the truth of one hypothesis or the other, it remains obnoxious to Objectivism to deny that a genuinely scientific disputes exists between the two.

That makes it especially obnoxious for some Objectivists to label other Objectivists trolls for refusing to deny the validity of the dispute.  Adam may think he does, but no Objectivist possesses an intellectual diving rod to suss out the sincerity of another's belief.  In the absence of plainly bad behavior, an internet forum just does not lend itself to that sort of snap judgment.  After all, folks, we are not gods.  Mere mortals like us need solid evidence to make sound judgments. ;-)


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Post 37

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 8:45amSanction this postReply

I don't think trolls ought to be outright ostracized. I think that public scorn is the proper (moral) response to them.

If they wish to defend themselves, then they are free to make that attempt. If they wish to "ostracize" themselves, then they are free to do so. I think that there is value in preserving their freedom to do as they wish. They are just not free to be unconditionally loved and respected -- THAT they would have to earn (after they've learned that they have to earn these things), if given enough chances.

Public scorn is my favored "stick" -- my love and respect is the "carrot." All thee who wish to earn my love and respect -- must henceforth be given the chance to jump through some hoops.


My current hoops:
-identifiable benevolence
-identifiable concern for truth
-identifiable concern for understanding
-identifiable concern for progress in discussion


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Post 38

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 8:56amSanction this postReply
That makes it especially obnoxious for some Objectivists to label other Objectivists trolls for refusing to deny the validity of the dispute.  Adam may think he does, but no Objectivist possesses an intellectual diving rod to suss out the sincerity of another's belief.  In the absence of plainly bad behavior, an internet forum just does not lend itself to that sort of snap judgment.  After all, folks, we are not gods.  Mere mortals like us need solid evidence to make sound judgments.
Hear, hear. 

I'm not here to participate in a mass delusion of grandeur. 

What I'm concerned about is that a "troll" is essentially being defined as one whose validity of argument is really ignored, while the cosmetic pomp and circumstance of their mannerisms is held up to a microscope.  This superficialism game is just really too much for me, and not worthy of men.

I'm seeing far too much childish love of ganging-up in here for my tastes.  That, to me, is much worse than this "trolling" you're talking about.

And just out of curiosity, is this a gay website?  I haven't asked yet, but there seems to me to be rather a lot of gay-stereotypical social tormenting going on here.

(Edited by Celeste Norcross on 8/22, 8:59am)

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Post 39

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 9:06amSanction this postReply
And there's one other thing...

The original word was not "trolling", but "trawling".  It came from chat rooms, to describe people who would come in and indiscriminately attempt a reponse from anyone and everyone, like a shrimp trawling boat that dragged a net through the waters, catching anything any everything, indiscriminately.

Beyond this, I see far too many people being described as "trolls" in mainstream chat rooms who have done nothing but announce themselves, and the labelling is usually done by sadistically-oriented, self-important types addicted to any and all measures that give them an easy feeling of superiority.

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