| | Jody: You say:
It would be possible [to do X, such as draw a square circle] in a world where reality did not hold, but was instead chaotic and transient.
A long time ago, L. Piekoff wrote an article called The Analytic-Synthetic Dichotomy. He used an example of how to properly, and improperly, be meaningful...or meaningless...in using the term 'possibilities,' which I never forgot. His example was in terms of problematic contemporary philosophical views showing one or another metaphysical (though the point of the article had to do with epistemology) view. He pointed out that some views were equivalent to confusing 'metaphysics' with Walt Disney. This is the way I interpret your use of the term 'possible'. Rephrased, you imply that if it's, no matter what else, at least 'imaginable'...then it's 'possible.'
Your use of the term 'possible' (arguing about 'falsifiability') is not a very...rational,,,use of the term, methinks, hence causes more confusion than clarification. --- In short, your argument lacks a bit. (As an aside, LP also clarified, elsewhere I believe, [maybe one of his audio lectures] about the difference when using the term 'possible' in distinguishing between whether or not one is talking about 'metaphyical' possibilities vs 'epistemological/epistemic' possibilities, where, for the latter to be meaningful, the former has to be established first...to insure that all debaters are on the same...meaningful...page of discourse.)
Indeed, "...a world where reality did not hold..." sounds like a world that is not real, no? Hence, such is an UN-'real' world, hence...it is ToonTown from Who Framed Roger Rabbit? where one can draw a square circle (and even disappear into it)--- and here we are, back at Disney (or Warner Bros.) again. A 'world where reality did not hold' is...imaginable, but, unless one is merely Rationalizing in terms of pure word-usage (ignoring whether there are 'real' referents or not), it actually/'really' is...meaningless.
P.S: I do believe that re your idea of a world (universe?) where reality was chaotic and transient (in a way more than the one we presently live in, I presume, where there are NO physical 'laws' inhering within entities or actions), that Rand covered this somewhere in her ITOE; methinks the implication of what she argued about the place of 'causality' implies that such a universe COULDN'T be real/actual/existing.
(Edited by John Dailey on 1/18, 11:17pm)
(Edited by John Dailey on 1/18, 11:32pm)