| | I have something to say about the available research on twins and criminality. I have retrieved 6 relevant primary research publications found in peer-reviewed scientific journals (don't thank me too soon, Jeremy). I present them (and my comments) as articles of debate. Here are some excerpts from each one -- along with my comments on each one -- in chronological order:
Gurling HM, Oppenheim BE, Murray RM. Depression, criminality and psychopathology associated with alcoholism: evidence from a twin study. Acta Genet Med Gemellol (Roma). 1984;33(2):333-9.
A study of 74 twin pairs with alcoholic probands from the Maudsley Hospital is reported. Pairwise concordance for alcoholism as categorised by the SADS-L Research Diagnostic Criteria is similar in MZ twins (29%, 8/22) and DZ twins (33%, 13/39). Concordance for all diagnoses other than alcoholism is however significantly greater in MZ twins (48%, 13/27) than DZ twins (21%, 8/39, P less than 0.001). ...
Data on criminality revealed that 21% (32/148) of the twin sample had non-alcohol, non-traffic offences on record at the UK Home Office.
Most relevant finding: With these 148 twins -- who shared genes related to alcoholism or criminality -- "genetics" failed to even explain a 50% proportion of variance in behavior outcomes. What this means, of course, is that the environment -- the external environment (e.g., family) + the internal environment (e.g., willful inhibition of 'acting-out' merely because of a given disposition) -- was found to be more important than genes in "determining" behavior outcomes.
Mednick SA, Kandel ES. Congenital determinants of violence. Bull Am Acad Psychiatry Law. 1988;16(2):101-9.
Congenital factors include inherited characteristics and perinatal experiences. Evidence for inherited characteristics in criminal behavior is approached through family studies, the study of twins, and adoption studies. Of those three, adoption studies provide the most fertile ground for study.
Predisposition toward criminal behavior is noted to be limited to property crime. The second congenital factor is the perinatal experience. Minor physical anomalies appear to be strongly related to hyperactivity and later criminal involvement, but only if the offender was reared in an unstable, nonintact family.
Relevant findings: Where genetic inheritance explained a proportion of the variance of criminal behavior, it was always a property crime (not other crimes). For outcomes related to perinatal experiences, environment (again) was the linch-pin needed to get the criminal ball rolling. No unstable environment, no evidence of congenital effects.
Carey G. Twin imitation for antisocial behavior: implications for genetic and family environment research. J Abnorm Psychol. 1992 Feb;101(1):18-25.
Methods of analysis that permit reciprocal twin interaction not only provide better statistical fits to the data but also yield estimates of heritability that agree with adoption data. The results suggest that the genetic influence on registered criminality may be more modest than previously thought. Relevance: Most of the relevant, published research (research which was published before 1992) incorrectly over-stated the level of genetic control of behavior outcomes.
Lyons MJ, True WR, Eisen SA, Goldberg J, Meyer JM, Faraone SV, Eaves LJ, Tsuang MT. Differential heritability of adult and juvenile antisocial traits. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1995 Nov;52(11):906-15.
The unique environment (plus measurement error) explained the largest proportion of variance in both juvenile and adult antisocial traits. Recap: Environment trumps genetics.
Lyons MJ. A twin study of self-reported criminal behaviour. Ciba Found Symp. 1996;194:61-70; discussion 70-5.
The common environment, but not genetic factors, significantly influenced early criminal behaviour. The environment shared by the twins has an important influence on criminality while the twins are in that environment, but the shared environmental influence does not persist after the individual has left that environment. Recap: Kids (15 and younger) in unstable homes explains the decisive proportion of variance in criminal behavior outcome (until the kid moves out).
Kendler KS, Prescott CA, Neale MC, Pedersen NL. Temperance board registration for alcohol abuse in a national sample of Swedish male twins, born 1902 to 1949. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1997 Feb;54(2):178-84.
METHODS: We examined Swedish temperance board registrations from 1929 to 1974 (n = 2516 individual twins) in all male-male Swedish twin pairs of known zygosity from the population-based Swedish Twin Registry; these twin pairs were born from 1902 to 1949 (n = 8935 pairs).
RESULTS: The lifetime prevalence and probandwise concordance rates for temperance board registrations were 13.2% and 47.9%, respectively, in monozygotic twins and 14.6% and 32.8%, respectively, in dizygotic twins.
Relevant findings: In these thousands of twins, while the "genetics" of identical (monozygotic) twins explained a larger proportion of variance in behavior outcomes than non-identical (dizygotic) twins did, "genetics" failed to even explain a 50% proportion of variance in behavior outcomes. Which means, of course, that the environment -- the external environment (e.g., family) + the internal environment (e.g., willful inhibition of 'acting-out' merely because of a given disposition) -- was found to be more important than genes in "determining" behavior outcomes.
Any thoughts?
(Edited by Ed Thompson on 7/25, 3:37am)