| | I am really happy to see Brett publish this fine article on RoR. Having run the hydrino discussion list for eight years, I see these arguments all the time. Mills will soon release a new revision of his book, The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics, on his Web site at no charge.
I feel compelled to add that the sorts of nastiness, hostility, rancor, and outright malevolence I have seen directed at Mills by established scientists and mathematicians have given me pause to wonder about their motives. While rigor and honesty demand careful scrutiny of all theories, old and new, I see something else happening here, namely the odd phenomenon of some people (busybodies) minding the business of others (busy minds). I discuss this observation here and conclude that they confirm the famous adage of my beautiful wife:
"People who mind other people's business do not have good enough business of their own to mind."
I really do think Mills, who has obtained large amounts of private, voluntary funding through the utilities market, has disturbed those scientists who rely on billions in government grants to continue their wankery.
As an interesting aside, when I proposed to the hydrino list a couple of years ago that perhaps it was time for the supporters and critics to go their separate ways on separate lists, both sides offered a thundering protest! So evidently they all see some value in this "dialectic" over classical physics. We have over 800 people on that list now, so interest continues to grow.
By the way, if anyone here knows PHP BB forum coding and would like to help me create one at http://www.hydrino.org to replace the current Yahoo! Groups list, let me know.
(Edited by Luke Setzer on 7/10, 3:31am)