| | And this from Alexandra (she's very very busy, and I don't mind :):
I was surprised that so many of your readers didn't get to the meat of my piece, although some of them did, so I will simply pass by the ones who got stuck on the inconveniences of my time in Paris, because it should be clear that this family cavorting is intentionally or unintentionally--operative either way--a smokescreen for the media and naive public of all nations to distract them from the many deep and serious issues that are going on in Washington with the end game of destroying our Capitalistic system of government and controlling our personal liberties under his "leadership." (Steve Wolfer seems to have got my point on this)./ And/, it is not for nothing that I cannot remember another President, who had the /bald effrontery /to send his wife and kids on an /extensive holiday /in a separate plane, complete with entourage and security, especially while crying "crisis" on the economic front, and it /is/ worth noting that although, heretofore uninitiated from lack of curiosity to worldly experiences as this family is, our tax dollars are providing them a free ride to the ball. Obama's daily outbreaks of flagrant, in-our-face hypocrisies, subjectivism, narcissism, flippant/arrogant "me" immaturity, and obsessive power-lust limned in my article are only symptoms of a viral philosophical-political illness that festers in the very center of his being /and will infect all of us if we do not name and resist even the symptoms, /which is how I end the article, with that warning. My last paragraph sums up the theme of my offering. Thanks for all, Alexandra