
Rebirth of Reason

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Monday, February 21, 2011 - 7:43pmSanction this postReply
Dr. Machan, an excellent follow-up article would be a summary of the different groups and the arguments being used to attack property rights - especially the new arguments coming out of the universities.

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Post 1

Tuesday, February 22, 2011 - 11:22amSanction this postReply
Yes, the sophists have successfully introduced the paradigm that one owns something by needing it or wanting it enough.

The self-appointed emperors of 'enough' serve as the arbiters.

Their argument is, when one is focused on what they own, they are playing 'mine, mine, mine,' and is guilty of the sin of greed. The penalty for that sin, they declare, is the loss of the right to be asked for subsidy. The emperors of enough grant themselves the right to take by force, based on that, and take away the right of individuals to be asked and to grant.

There is no sin of envy in their universe; when they focus on 'yours, yours, yours,' they are not being selfish, just emperors.

They decry a focus on mere money, even while focusing on your money. In that battle of focus, it is only your focus on your money that is sinful gluttony, not their focus on your money.

They, after all, are only focused on your money for a very good cause; painlessly implementing their worldview for them. Some were born to have their worldview painlessly implemented for them, others were born to implement it.

We can ask, what drives folks to such clearly immoral positions? It's not just paternalistic megalomania.

No, it is the same thing that drove Hitler: irrational existential terror, in his case, the hunger of his childhood. It shuts off human reason, and delivers to mankind the spectacle of bodies clawing over other bodies in a sinking lifeboat. The terminus of caving in to a politics based on irrational existential terror is the pathetic image of two miserable beings in rags showing each other their runny sores as their claim to the not-so-maggoty-piece of rotted meat. It is an accelerated race to the bottom, I think, by design, a deliberate attack on a once free nation, rendering it impotent.

A nation today barely able to define freedom, and so, totally unable to defend it.

Post 2

Wednesday, February 23, 2011 - 2:18pmSanction this postReply
Fred - beautifully written!

Post 3

Thursday, February 24, 2011 - 8:52amSanction this postReply

Do you think of inheritance of property as a gift of property, an assignment of property rights upon one’s death?

Do you think of the enabling rights of bequest and inheritance as moral rights had by individuals already in the tribal form of social organization or as rights coming into meaningful existence only within civil society, only within the state form of social organization?

My Choctaw ancestors held the tribe’s land in common. This was continued after the tribe became the Choctaw Nation.* ** The question arises whether individual ownership of land was a moral right all along. Similarly, the question would be whether rights of individual bequest and inheritance would be moral rights all along in an association, first a tribe, then a tribal state, even were their law of property rights in land only by lease to individuals to the end their life, but then had it revert to the tribe. Would such a tribe, then state, be violating the moral rights of individuals by such a law of property?

What we think of as common sense in issues of property rights could rest in significant part on conventions of our own society and legal heritage (e.g., scroll down to Imperfect Rights in Land). I think that part needs to be identified and set apart from more general principles of property rights that arise from consideration of fundamental human nature. How far that nature is different in the tribal society than in civil society would certainly be pertinent to know in order make such an identification.

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