| | This is good article.
I don't know anything about Rep. Cleaver, beyond his idiotic statement. But I'd disagree that "...President Obama [has] shown [his] utter misconception of the nature of generosity or charity, claiming, falsely, that it involves robbing Peter so as to benefit Paul."
I think that President Obama understands the nature of generosity just fine. I think he understands that eliminating the charitable tax deduction and that to increase taxes on those who make the most charity contribution will reduce private generation. He is happy to sacrifice that private giving in order to grow government power, grow the government and perform more forced redistribution of wealth. It is about control first of all, and altruistic ends second or not at all. And I suspect that he is motivated even more by the Cloward-Pivens technique of engineering more and more artificial crisis since each one lubricates another legislative success.