
Rebirth of Reason

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011 - 6:07pmSanction this postReply
This is good article.

I don't know anything about Rep. Cleaver, beyond his idiotic statement. But I'd disagree that "...President Obama [has] shown [his] utter misconception of the nature of generosity or charity, claiming, falsely, that it involves robbing Peter so as to benefit Paul."

I think that President Obama understands the nature of generosity just fine. I think he understands that eliminating the charitable tax deduction and that to increase taxes on those who make the most charity contribution will reduce private generation. He is happy to sacrifice that private giving in order to grow government power, grow the government and perform more forced redistribution of wealth. It is about control first of all, and altruistic ends second or not at all. And I suspect that he is motivated even more by the Cloward-Pivens technique of engineering more and more artificial crisis since each one lubricates another legislative success.

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Post 1

Sunday, August 7, 2011 - 6:55amSanction this postReply
When neighbors love each other, they ask each other, they don't tell each other at the point of a gun, state or otherwise.

When neighbors tell each other, they deservedly get a giant middle finger.

We are peers living in freedom, or should be. The irrational fears of some -- that others will not help yet others sufficient to meet the approval of that some -- is insufficient reason to eat our mutual freedom.

Why people living in freedom would ever agree to elevate those irrational few with their fears to emperor status is a complete mystery.

Post 2

Tuesday, October 30, 2012 - 4:06pmSanction this postReply
I'm glad someone else understands Robin Hood's actions.

The story of Robin Hood isn't one of rich vs. poor, but of productive people vs. unproductive looters. Robin Hood was simply returning stolen goods.

Its funny, Atlas Shrugged is also misunderstood by many to be a story about rich vs. poor, when it is about productive people vs. unproductive looters.

I wonder why this confusion occurs.

Post 3

Tuesday, October 30, 2012 - 11:14pmSanction this postReply
Kyle, Progressives like to recast Robin Hood into a hero of redistribution. They see him as fighting for social justice. It has always been in their interest to ignore the contrast of the productive with the parasites.

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