
Rebirth of Reason

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Tuesday, August 7, 2012 - 4:58amSanction this postReply
The quote from the late Tony Judt tells it all. Here is what he said:

“We have freed ourselves of the mid-20th century assumption--never universal but certainly widespread--that the state is likely to be the best solution to any given problem. We now need to liberate ourselves from the opposite notion: that the state is--by definition and always--the worst available option.”

That would be the late Tony Judt et. al. clinging to the table top of History by their fingernails.

Because we hire state plumbers to keep the plumbing of state clean and free running -- to paint the double yellow lines fairly down the middle of the road, to honorably scrape the barnacles off of the navigation buoys and so on -- we should admit into the realm of reason that -sometimes- it is best for the plumbers to yet be encouraged to be emperors, as long as it is for the latest really good cause.

No. Never. Not even once. But keep plumbing, keep painting, keep scraping, by all means.


Post 1

Wednesday, August 8, 2012 - 5:14amSanction this postReply
Statism is vicious paternalism, the treatment of the citizen as an infant.

Yes, and we don't treat paternalistic megalomania in this nation, we hold elections for it. The first action of candidates for office under our present system is to seek paternalistic power over others.

I wish we had a peer based model, not an emperor wannabee sweepstakes run by children who want to be selective adults. We could do that with the Buckley Solution; we'd pick our pool of candidates for honorable state plumbers the same way we pick our pool of life-or-death decision jurors, by random selection from the phone book, voter or motor registration roles. Then we'd vet the willing and able, and throw our usual circus. We'd just remove that systemic bias from the pool selection.

Another utopia not going to happen; so what elevated the current clownfest as practical reality, other than caving in to some of the worst defects in mankind?


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