| | RaceGenderClass is identity coalition politics. The idea is that you find angry or frightened groups who are identified by race, class or gender and then you do two things: 1) You encourage emotionalism over reason, 2) you address each of the groups with talking points intended to hit their particular emotional hot-spots.
Sometimes you don't "find" and angry or frightened group so much as you "create" fear, then anger in a group. Create opposition boogie men groups that are threatening the very ways of life, the dreams, the hopes of whatever group is being targeted.
You need work from the context of emotionalism since reason would let the people see the fraud being perpetrated, and be able to figure out what isn't being said. The fraud is that they are giving up liberty and opportunity and a sustainable system for short term hand outs and promises that amount to you can have YOUR cake and everyone else's, and eat it too.
With reason out of the equation, than you can engage in training conditioned responses, like you'd train an animal. Hand out the occasional treat, offer a warm, inviting presence as the alpha pack leader, act as if nothing is wrong, cultivate dependency, attack and cut out those that aren't willing to join with the rest of the group. (That last is why the most furious attacks are on people who should be part of one of an identity groups but aren't going along... Herman Cain, Marco Rubio, Sarah Palin - they didn't identify with their training group and set a bad example and needed to be publicly punished. Can't have a black or a Hispanic or a woman enter the political arena in opposition to RaceGenderClass politics - it would undermine the fraud of natural solidarity and common cause of the group.)