| | Do the rights of individuals concern this government/administration in the least?
Their lips snarl when they have to utter the words 'individual...liberty...freedom.'
"You didn't build that."
They are full-up tribalists, totally consumed by their atavistic herd-mentality genes. Collectists on steroids. Way beyond unionists.
Obama uses the words 'individual' and 'liberty' and 'freedom' as lip service distractions, 180 degrees from his intent, which is to form the ultimate Borg Collective. Every move, every breath he takes is to bring socialist change to America, defined as, implementing National Socialism in the last free nation on earth.
What else do you call 'socialism on a national scale' other than 'National Socialism?'
There is no polite term for forced association on a national scale.
None of what Obama et. al. are proposing has anything to do with 'asking' in a nation of peers living in freedom under a constitution of liberty; that is exactly what the code-word 'change' means. It means, change from a free nation to a nation based on tribal forced association on a totalitarian national level.
His words: "What is wrong with asking the wealthiest to pay a little more?"
His actions: have absolutely nothing to do with 'asking' anybody anything. His actions, correctly expressed, are "What is wrong with taking what we want from anyone we demand, unilaterally, using the same ethics that apply to gang rape?
Hey, we had a vote; bend over.
As this degrades, it is key to remember: there is no -ethical- basis for adhering to laws that are not themselves ethical. When their only foundation is the brute force of numbers, their impact is the same as the impact of any thug or brute demanding what they will, and just like the actions of brutes, when and where it is possible to ignore, avoid, or thwart, there is no ethical restriction on doing so.
That is just self-defense, as in, defense of the self.
regards, Fred