Steve, First, the ‘you’ wasn’t intended for you; my sincere apologies for what was obviously a poor ellipsis. Rather, it was an indirect pronoun referring to Piaget. ‘If you , Piaget, want to make such extraordinary claims, you’d need to back it up with some form of acceptable evidence”. Klineberg’s work—that demonstrated, empirically speaking, how different children really are at any age---literally tore the guts out of Piaget. Today, spouting off Piaget in either academia or a real, live therapeutic session will get you laughed at. Much like psychoanalysis and chiropractics, there is a ‘Piaget society’ that promotes his work. If he were accepted, having a ‘society’ would not be necessary. >>>>The questions that make sense are about the relationships between the components in the stages, the usefulness of the model, the accuracy of the descriptions of the components, etc<<<< Indeed. His are wrong by any standard. Eva