Eva, When you say, "Paying more taxes than what you think is fair is dissimilar because there are no objective standards as to what 'fairness' in taxation is" you have loaded the statement. That 'what you think' makes it subjective when it doesn't have to be. The objective standard of fairness in the total level of taxation is an amount that is reasonable to cover reasonable costs of maintaining the minimal amount of police, military, and courts needed to protect individual rights in a given historical context. So, a natural level of taxation IS objective given that you hold the purpose of government in mind and apply that to the context of the times. Anybody can claim anything is subjective just because they can't instantly do a calculation and take it to the tiniest of units - but that doesn't mean it is subjective. Try doing your example using the military draft instead of taxation. When I first told my father that the draft was immoral - back when we were in Vietnam- - he, being old school, didn't agree and thought the draft was necessary. After a while he decided that I was right. Now, we have decades of proof that a voluntary military can do the job as well or better. Objective principles could have told us that in the beginning and the fact that some didn't see those principles doesn't mean that a difference of opinion made it subjective. Before Newton, gravity wasn't subjective just because different people had different opinions about it or didn't know how to calculate it - it was just unknown to those that didn't understand the principles. ----------------- I sometimes use all caps - sparingly. ------------------ The 'term' that I prefer is 'individual rights' and describe it as the freedom to act on any choice that doesn't violate the choice of another by initiating force, threatening to initiate force, engaging in theft or fraud. And there is much more... regarding property rights, etc. But I like Fred's voluntary association versus forced association. The 'rape' and 'gang rape' metaphors are just explanitory examples. ------------------- No matter how someone wiggles, the fact is that a person's liberty is violated or it is not. The level of taxation is higher than it needs to be for a minarchy or it is not. People are impressed into military service or not. And the universal health care and college education that you spoke of are being paid for by others - those others are being financially raped (i.e., given no choice in the matter) to provide for someone else's benefit. -------------------- My suggestion is to embrace the concepts and the blunt examples used to separate 'forced' from 'chosen'. To me that is the very core of civiliztion, and of rightness, and morality - the human being choosing and respecting other's process of choosing - that respect taking the form of only engaging in free association, never forced association. Progressives hate this harsh black and white view because all of their schemes are unraveled if you make respecting other's right to make their own choices. It won't allow the progressives/socialists/communists to play Santa Clause with the money of others. They can't distribute what others produce. They can't pretend that they are making the world turn with some brilliant insight they alone have (and feel the need to force on others).