
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 0

Saturday, February 1, 2014 - 10:26amSanction this postReply

"That's what most Americans want -- ..."


The ethics of a gang rape.



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Post 1

Saturday, February 1, 2014 - 10:31amSanction this postReply

The hopes and aspirations of gang rapists are to have forced carnal knowledge of their unwilling victims.


Hopes and aspirations, with no greater context, inform us of nothing useful.    That is the empty soaring rhetoric of this latest stuffed shirt/poser/emperor wannabe.


The worst, most un-American president in my lifetime.   Maybe in history.





Post 2

Saturday, February 1, 2014 - 4:42pmSanction this postReply



Are you saying that Obama represents popular aspirations, althought the aprirations are distortedly gang-rapish or....that he does not represent the people, at all?



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Post 3

Sunday, February 2, 2014 - 6:50amSanction this postReply



What 'the' people? 




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Post 4

Sunday, February 2, 2014 - 7:19amSanction this postReply



I'm sure he represents some people, and for sure, himself.   Maybe even most people, 51% to 49%.    That is precisely what happens at a gang rape; the interests of most people are realized via forced association.


There is no ethical foundation in the brute force of numbers, if in the end the means is forced association.


I know that isn't what you and I have been instructed from birth to believe here of late, but sometimes, we must reach up out of instructed seats and look deeper at what we've been told.


The American experiment is not about pure democracy.   Or at least, never was.   Is this what 'change' means?   Moving away from a context of liberty and freedom?   To what?  Utopia?






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Post 5

Sunday, February 2, 2014 - 7:32amSanction this postReply

We are taking his SOTU way too seriously;  it was distraction and deflection, to get the focus off of his smoking turd, ACA, and his other problems.    For all his talk about MW, what he unilaterally did was,  symbolically raise MW for 16,000 federal contractors who are working nowhere near MW.   As if.      It was symbolic nothingness, meant to do what it has done; take the focus off of his massive unfolding failure with ACA.   If Obamacare was anywhere -near- being able to be spun as a win, it would have been front and center in that SOTU.   Instead we got "ACA who?"    Please, someone, make the argument that this is this guy's monumental modesty that is keeping that from happening.


He needs to make up his mind; one second, he is telling American businesses that 'they didn't build that' and the next second he is bloviating about making sure those that work hard get what they deserve-- as if he had anything to say about either.   He thinks he was handed a scepter; he needs to look a little harder,  because what he was awarded was more like a plunger and a sacred obligation; Mr. President, keep the plumbing of state clean and free flowing, and while you are at it, fulfill your obligation to defend the nation from enemies both foreign  and domestic and preserve freedom.


That is, when he isn't busy being one of the domestic enemies of freedom, selling it out in the name of his fave pet Soc grad school theories.




Post 6

Sunday, February 2, 2014 - 7:44amSanction this postReply



(re #4),


If we can agree that the electon was fair,  Obama represents a (slim) majority. As to what good is does to call the 51% 'gang rapists' is beyond me.


As for your patronizing tone as to what I've been instructed from birth, that's easy. You don't win over people by calling them 'gang rapists'. Rather you'll be ignored, as if baying at the moon.





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Post 7

Sunday, February 2, 2014 - 8:15amSanction this postReply


If we can agree that the electon was fair,  Obama represents a (slim) majority. As to what good is does to call the 51% 'gang rapists' is beyond me.


No way did Fred call the 51% who voted for Obama 'gang rapists' - what he said was that the use of forced association is what happens at a gang rape.  That is a powerful way to demonstrate that a decision isn't automatically right because it was made by a majority.  He is saying that the standard by which one judges right versus wrong in these contexts is to examine for free versus forced association, and that the percentage of the population that voted/chose is not a magical maker of moral right.


Are you going to tell me that you can't grasp that?  Really?

Post 8

Sunday, February 2, 2014 - 9:34amSanction this postReply

As to what good is does to call the 51% 'gang rapists' is beyond me.

Being 'gang rapists' and voting for 'gang rapists' are not the same.

Post 9

Sunday, February 2, 2014 - 9:40amSanction this postReply
I disagree. If you willfully voted for a 'gang rapist' then you should be held responsible.

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Post 10

Monday, February 3, 2014 - 11:37amSanction this postReply

Sometimes one writes not to convince but to denounce.  And then it is OK to use terms of insult, which is all that some people deserve, e.g., those who want to rob others of what belongs to them. Communists, Nazis, barbarians and the like do not deserve civility since they have shown they will not extend it to their adversaries.  They just want to liquidate them!

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Post 11

Monday, February 3, 2014 - 12:35pmSanction this postReply



Is it impolite for any of us to recognize a worn out formula in action?   When there is no response forthcoming, fall on the ground and feign injury.


I am calling people 'rapists' now, as opposed to illlustrating the characteristic of rape that makes it rape, which is precisely the forced association nature of it.   (There is no other aspect of rape that distibguishes it from what humans regularly willingly, joyfully, and even eagerly engage in, including, for some who so freely choose, violent sexual acts.   It is an example of forced association, to be distinguished from free association.   There are those some of us still left who not only find rape, etc., objectionable, but actually understand why that is)   


And when I refer to her and I(meaning all of us) being instructed from birth, I get accused of claiming it was just her who was instructed from birth.


As if from some page of a book; when all else fails, fall down and claim injury.


It would be the first time I've seen this tactic ... today.


If it is impolite of me to notice the tactic for what it is, then I am indeed an impolite boor.  Somehow, I will sleep at night under the moon I am baying at.


Or, maybe she is just ...can it be....mistaken?





(Edited by Fred Bartlett on 2/03, 12:42pm)

Post 12

Monday, February 3, 2014 - 4:10pmSanction this postReply



You're saying that all forced associations are 'like' gang rape in some way.


What I 'grasp' is an incredably crude, over-extended metaphor that I would not use against my opponents in a open, democratic society.


Machan (my father, too, is of Magyar ancestry),


Yes, to speak of Bela Kun, Bolshevik,  or Horthy and his anti-semitic gangs as 'barbarians' is quite okay. 'It az ido, most vagy soha'.


Proposals of raising taxes and deficit spending are not.






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Post 13

Monday, February 3, 2014 - 6:15pmSanction this postReply


You're saying that all forced associations are 'like' gang rape in some way.

This shouldn't be so hard. Gang rape IS a kind of forced association. So is theft, so is the ObamaCare mandate.


So, are all forced associations 'like' gang rape in some way?   Only in that they are a 'kind' of forced association - an association that a person isn't free to not engage in.


'Forced associations' is the major category, and gang rape is a single example of that category. When a kid shoplifts a comic book from the corner store that is a kind of theft, and so is a bloody armed robbery of a bank where money is taken. They are both examples of theft, but they aren't 'like' one another in intensity or in many other ways.


I think that Fred's gang rape metaphor is blunt, and powerful, but it is also quite eloquent in pointing out that a democratic vote would not make gang rape into something moral and acceptable. If that person didn't agree to the sex, it is a forced association. And there are circumstances where an individual voluntarily agrees to take on multiple sex partners at once, and that isn't gang rape. The metaphor of 'gang rape' captures the very essence of forced association (the violation of free choice) while taking away any excuse that a popular vote could make it okay. That's a hardworking metaphor that no one should feel they can't put to use in an open, democratic society.

Post 14

Monday, February 3, 2014 - 6:22pmSanction this postReply



Let's just disagree on aesthetic grounds.


My larger point is that --within a democracy--to use such language against an opponent is counterproductive. This means that a neutral observer who's trying to balance out the virtues of two opposing pov's will automatically decide against yours.


Perhaps, in essence, this is what defines 'Libertarian' from Objectivist' . We care to convince others in a diplomatic language. You don't.



Post 15

Monday, February 3, 2014 - 6:37pmSanction this postReply



Part of me really does want people to stop using this or that illogical tactic in arguments... but then another part of me likes figuring out how people keep themselves and/or others from seeing that they have no logical argument in a particular post (or, if they do, they don't want to use it.)  


(And I have no doubt that I come across to many as a major pain in the butt with my criticisms and perhaps look like a know-it-all attitude.)


I like finding what it is wrong with an argument in the logic, or in the psychology.  I like that you caught the conflation of the identity of a rapist with the characteristic of rape.  And I like that you describe the tactic of a feigned injury that could only exist if part of your argument was misunderstood - purposely or not, that's how that one works - it attempts to lend the passion of an injury to an argument that wouldn't even exist without the misstatement.  Like misstating your argument to create a straw-man who is then set on fire to denote the alleged injury.


I think that civility is about how you point out errors - not that you don't point them out.  Not pointing out errors deprives others of the chance to grow, and the motivation to raise their game.  To not point out these things would, in this environment, be a kind of enabling, and, to me, it would be spitting on justice.


I appreciate the knowledge people have, and I love the intelligence they display... but more than anything I respect those who won't cave in to the temptation to fudge the logic, or finesse the terms, or misdirect the focus, or go all ad hominem just to 'win' as if anything was ever won by an irrational argument.

Post 16

Monday, February 3, 2014 - 6:59pmSanction this postReply


Let's just disagree on aesthetic grounds.

That's reasonable.

My larger point is that --within a democracy--to use such language against an opponent is counterproductive. This means that a neutral observer who's trying to balance out the virtues of two opposing pov's will automatically decide against yours.

We disagree here. That language wasn't being used AGAINST you. If you read Fred closely, you'll find him to be exceptionally respectful of his fellow forum goers - despite using what is indeed very colorful and forceful terms. I don't think you'll find Fred addressing people on this forum, people in the threads with ad hominen terms.


As to whether the argument is productive or not... I'd say that it would be hard for a person who is arguing for some kind of forced association to stand by that argument if he is able to grasp that his argument falls into that category.


A neutral observer who is trying to balance out the pov's of the two sides will either make a decsion based upon reason and logic (without regard to his or her emotional reaction) or they won't.


I've come to like the language in one context in particular. That's were the person on the opposing side is a died in the wool Progressive or Socialist and adamant in pushing a large scale change that would mean forcing me to give up my choices. In this context, the madder it makes them, the happier I get because they aren't going to change their minds no matter what is said, and they don't deserve to be treated with kid gloves.


In an argument between someone who advocates initiating force to take from you, and a person who advocates a system where no one is made a victim of that kind of force, they aren't moral equals, and one argument isn't the moral equal of the other.

Perhaps, in essence, this is what defines 'Libertarian' from Objectivist' . We care to convince others in a diplomatic language. You don't.

Just a note: When you write 'Libertarian' with a capital 'L', it usually means the organized political party. With the lower case 'L' it is a political belief system.


In fact, there are many different kinds of libertarians, and some are exceedingly rude and others are very civil - I personally think it is about the individual and not the particular slice of politics they are arising from.  I've not noticed libertarians being more diplomatic in their language than Objectivists. And I'm a libertarian AND an Objectivist.


And I think I'm fairly diplomatic in my language choices - don't you agree?

Post 17

Monday, February 3, 2014 - 8:36pmSanction this postReply



No, I wasn't suggesting that 'gang-rape' as meant for me. Again, I can understand a generic 'you'.


As for my style, I do try to capitalize all legitimate political and social ideologies in private. You are, however, correct in saying that, in per-reviewed or graded papers, the distinction must be made.


I never use caps for entire words....


In brief--and beyond the vulragity!-- the problem is that your mertaphor is misplaced.


* Rape is a legal term

* Rape is a physical act

* 'Rape' occurs, thefore, as guilty as accused in a court of law.




#Paying more taxes than what you think is fair is dissimilar because there are no objective standards as to what 'fairness' in taxation is. You're imagining an assumed natural level of taxation that exists only in your head.


# Historically, people have payed more taxes, or less, as particular cases might be. Therefore you cannot claim a priori un-fairness even with respect to what is measured as historical norm. In other words, what you call 'gang-rape' is, in essence the way governments have gone about governing for the entire measure of recorded history.


# Comparitively speaking with respect to other industrialized nations, america pays far less. This means that all other nations gang-rape their population into submission by offering universal health-care and college education.


in other words, lot of gang-raping, yes?


My suggestion, then, is to find a term more specific to the uniqueness of what you understand the present to be.





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Post 18

Tuesday, February 4, 2014 - 8:35amSanction this postReply



When you say, "Paying more taxes than what you think is fair is dissimilar because there are no objective standards as to what 'fairness' in taxation is" you have loaded the statement. That 'what you think' makes it subjective when it doesn't have to be. The objective standard of fairness in the total level of taxation is an amount that is reasonable to cover reasonable costs of maintaining the minimal amount of police, military, and courts needed to protect individual rights in a given historical context. So, a natural level of taxation IS objective given that you hold the purpose of government in mind and apply that to the context of the times.


Anybody can claim anything is subjective just because they can't instantly do a calculation and take it to the tiniest of units - but that doesn't mean it is subjective.


Try doing your example using the military draft instead of taxation. When I first told my father that the draft was immoral - back when we were in Vietnam- - he,  being old school, didn't agree and thought the draft was necessary.  After a while he decided that I was right.  Now, we have decades of proof that a voluntary military can do the job as well or better. Objective principles could have told us that in the beginning and the fact that some didn't see those principles doesn't mean that a difference of opinion made it subjective.


Before Newton, gravity wasn't subjective just because different people had different opinions about it or didn't know how to calculate it - it was just unknown to those that didn't understand the principles.


I sometimes use all caps - sparingly.


The 'term' that I prefer is 'individual rights' and describe it as the freedom to act on any choice that doesn't violate the choice of another by initiating force, threatening to initiate force, engaging in theft or fraud.  And there is much more... regarding property rights, etc.  But I like Fred's voluntary association versus forced association. The 'rape' and 'gang rape' metaphors are just explanitory examples.


No matter how someone wiggles, the fact is that a person's liberty is violated or it is not. The level of taxation is higher than it needs to be for a minarchy or it is not. People are impressed into military service or not. And the universal health care and college education that you spoke of are being paid for by others - those others are being financially raped (i.e., given no choice in the matter) to provide for someone else's benefit.


My suggestion is to embrace the concepts and the blunt examples used to separate 'forced' from 'chosen'. To me that is the very core of civiliztion, and of rightness, and morality - the human being choosing and respecting other's process of choosing - that respect taking the form of only engaging in free association, never forced association.


Progressives hate this harsh black and white view because all of their schemes are unraveled if you make respecting other's right to make their own choices. It won't allow the progressives/socialists/communists to play Santa Clause with the money of others. They can't distribute what others produce. They can't pretend that they are making the world turn with some brilliant insight they alone have (and feel the need to force on others).

Post 19

Tuesday, February 4, 2014 - 10:14amSanction this postReply



Yes, 'given' a certain set of tasks that you feel it's the job of the government to perform, there's a certain cost associated with these-- ergo, taxes.


But assuming different 'tasks' would mean a different "given"--ergo, different levels of taxation.


The point is that you have not supported your level of taxation by re-asserting your 'given' as to what the proper role of government consists. That other givens exist is a fact of life. This means that the means and ends of government are precisely what's being discussed.


Some of my fellow Libs try to escape this conundrum by declaring. "Well, we Libertarians believe such and such." Fine and well; but what you're saying is (probably) true because someone who calls him/herself a Lib can explain why, and enter into polemic with those whose (ahem!) 'givens' are different.


Again, this is --so far--the distinction I see between Libs and Objectivists. Push a Steve into the same  rhetorical corner and he'll cry, "gang rape!"


Objectivists also seem to envisage a world in which force is never used, that everything is voluntary. Yes, this is pretty black/ white. Arguably, anything differing from that--ie that we should try to use coercion as little as possible--is indeed 'progressive'.; or, perhaps 'realistic'?







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