
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 20

Saturday, February 22, 2014 - 9:55pmSanction this postReply

re #15


>>>>But everybody signed onto the Declaration in 1776, and there was no attempt to pretend that an inalienable right to liberty implies an inalienable right to Obamacaresque enslavement of others. I agree with Machan that however imperfect or incomplete it may have been, the Founding, under the influence of Locke, Trenchard and Gordon, and others, was a specifically libertarian achievement (if we can agree to strip that word "libertarian" of some of its more dubious or controversial contemporary associations). <<<<


The above makes a bald-faced claim for precisely what needs to be proven as true: was the D of I a 'libertarian' document?


Well, it would be nice to think so!


One of the ways of doing so would be to demonstrate that of all the present-day political parties, only Libertarianism supports those ideas held by the FF's that all present parties agree were held by said FF's.


In other words, you have to establish in two dimensions: first, the connection of Libertarianism to FF, and second, the non-connection of everyone else. Again, cross-cutting this would be collective agreement as to what FF thought really was.


And then, what? Establishing that FF-thought really was important? That one 'really knows' how they would feel about Obamacare? Such endeavors give Scholasticism a bad name.





Post 21

Saturday, February 22, 2014 - 10:39pmSanction this postReply



Because there are no 'morons' that one might discover, ethics is different than physics. In physics, to cite Feynman, it really doesn't matter what people think.


Ethics relies upon discussion among people ('logical' or otherwise) because that's all we have.


Rest assured that everyone agrees that one has a right to his/her own life. In the Dust-Bunny U talk of Dworkin, the term is 'dignity'. So we can safely begin our ethical search with the universality of 'dignity'. Then we can say that Justice begins with  personal dignity.


But the issue here is to conjure up a 'role of government' scenario which corresponds to what you think is fair in terms of paying taxes. This, you declare is the only truth in government--all others being a form of rape and slavery-- despite the fact that other levels of taxation exist that other people are happy to pay.


But, of course, all this is the epistemological tail wagging the ontological dog, anyway. All governments are 'unfair' everywhere to those who want to pay less taxes. Some people are just better sounding 'philosophical' than others.


>>>>Without moral principles we can't form laws that suit that same purpose of establishing liberty - we'd have no standard to parse from.<<<<<


My point, precisely. Moral principles, such as 'dignity', provide a rough, agreed-upon standard from which to parse. But real morality is dot-connecting from principle to problem, which is why I believe that Dworkin is correct that moral principles are 'objective' because they serve as universal points of reference.


>>>>You cannot obtain the products of a mind except on the owner’s terms, by trade and by volitional consent.<<<


'Owner's terms' are those given to said owner by usufruct-agreement of the society which grants 'ownership' to begin with.

With all due respect, Rand's error is anthropological. There is no 'ownership' outside of societal convention, anywhere, nor has there ever been.


This is not to say that I'm not for the drastic lowering of taxes, which will create prosperity. Rather, your foundationalist approach is a philosophical lost cause. You lose badly on points, and then pitch a hissy fit, which is something we reformists really don't need.


Rather, it's all simple and pragnmatic. Ockham's razor says that easiest is best. Lower taxes is not anti-slavery or anti rape, but simple prosperity.




Post 22

Sunday, February 23, 2014 - 6:37amSanction this postReply

I apologize, although this might very well be the most staggering coincidence of all time. A female college senior, prone to long-winded posts filled with unintelligible academic jargon and historical namedrops, showed up on the Objectivist Living blog last month and began rustling feathers by making authoritative statements about "flaws" in Rand's arguments. The moderator of that website hypothesized aloud that the poster was the same person as Eva on this blog, and the poster didn't bother to correct him. Perhaps you should contact your doppleganger before she causes any more mischief, or at the very least connect with a deeply kindred spirit.

Post 23

Sunday, February 23, 2014 - 8:48amSanction this postReply



You're assuming that I would post under an alias. Likewise that there aren't lots of female college students who wouldn't go on to a Rand board to challenge Objectivism.


OTH, my reason for being here is well-stated in my introduction. I'm interested in seeing how Randian thought can be reconcilled with academia. hence the use of terminology that's fa r over your head.



Post 24

Sunday, February 23, 2014 - 9:04amSanction this postReply


I'll give you the same benefit of the doubt I extend to everyone, but I have no reason to believe you would not post under an alias. I do know the poster on Objectivist Living is using a alias. The background details are identical and very uncommon for these message boards. Then there are the habits and writing style. But as I said, it could all just be a coincidence. In any event, it doesn't matter much, I just mentioned it in passing.


"Over your head." That's one way of putting it. Beside my interest is another.

Post 25

Sunday, February 23, 2014 - 9:51amSanction this postReply

I really don't care if you think I'm an alias or not. This issue at hand is a citation that you obviously took from another board and posted it here, assuming it to be mine:


*** >>>possibilities have no effect on reality until the events actually come to pass<<<


Besides the fact that I have no idea what this could possibly mean, your behavior in posting this as mine was completely slimebag.

Post 26

Sunday, February 23, 2014 - 10:22amSanction this postReply

Just a simple case of mistaken identity, for which I apologized. Incidentally, as was pointed out, I'm not the only one who has noticed the "coincidence."


I could just as easily pick from any of your authoritative assertions on Rebirth of Reason that don't stand up to serious scrutiny, but many other posters have made this point already, so there is no need for me to belabor it.


Is Eva Matthews an alias? I'm only curious.

Post 27

Sunday, February 23, 2014 - 2:05pmSanction this postReply

>>>your authoritative assertions on Rebirth of Reason that don't stand up to serious scrutiny<<<


Go ahead and challenge them. Make my day.

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