Fred, They must bend the language like this; it is an existential(for them)necessity, because to use words honestly would make them confront who they really are, while who they are, they are convinced, are the last true saviours of Mankind.
So true! Also, they carry around in their heads the unstated, subconscious belief that consciousness has primacy over existence - that saying it is a 'donation,' MAKES it a donation... sort-of... blank out. (Any objections that start to arise in their minds are immediately subjected to 'Blank Out.') This 'words over reality' is melded in with the childlike insistence that if they really, really want it, then it has to happen - efficacy by magic. The hallmark of adults whose childhood tantrums were regularly appeased. That works well as the psychology of those who want to consume and control but not produce. And all of that mental mush is buffered with a sense that words and concepts don't matter that much anyway when compared to what they feel, to their emotional needs. Emotions, for them, are more important than logic, and their emotions are more important than emotions of others. It all works together as the motivations behind the Progressive's political system - perfectly suiting someone with narcissistic personality features and control issues. An interlocking set of defenses with an implied premise that if only they can have enough control, especially over the producers and stop all of this change, then their background anxiety will go away. Many of the young who suffer this anxiety and have some of these defense mechanism head to the universities where they learn about these intellectual trojan horses, these general purpose shells they can wear: Socialism, Progressivism, Environmentalism, or some other variant of altruism and/or collectivism. Then they can march off campus feeling so much stronger and protected hiding inside this intellectual shell. From in there they can yell at others, get righteous, feel like their vulnerable self is safely hidden, and have goals that their subconscious thinks will give them relief from their anxieties. I am, of course, generalizing and exaggerating, because many young people are just lending their natural, healthy enthusiasm and energy to what they are being taught are just causes. They join the parade and end up voting against liberty without knowing it. But the true believers who connect on a deeper emotional level... they are the ones that end up becoming the next generation's associate professors and moving the Overton Window farther to the left.